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It’s a collective window into our Waldorf and simple-living Instagram posts, bringing us all together and giving us a place where we can connect. If you want to be found by other Waldorf.Everyday followers, simply tag your posts with #waldorfeveryday . Each day, I’ll choose a tagged post to feature along with some beautiful words to inspire. If I feature your post,’ll tag you, of course.

Be sure to follow @Waldorf.Everyday on Instagram so that you don’t miss a single beautiful community share.

Here are some recent features :


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The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science.
Albert Einstein.

Beautiful photo from @jodimockabee

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Raw foods contain the sunlight energies that are stored in their tissues through the process of photosynthesis. Rudolf Steiner

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Just as we do not give full responsibility to children in questions of daily life because their faculty of judgment is not fully developed, so, too, we should not give them full responsibility for their nutrition by granting all of their wishes and cravings. Adults must lay the foundation, with consideration for particular likes and dislikes that a child may have.

Adults have a special responsibility to children in choosing their food and nutrition. A small child can not differentiate between “healthy” or “unhealthy,” “desired” or “less-desired.” Today, learning to eat right is more important than ever before since many products, such as sweets, are produced with children in mind and marketed directed to children in a wide variety of advertisements.

Gorgeous gnome lunch photo from @elliotineverland

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Warmth is probably one of the greatest gifts we can give our children. Not only the warmth of our love but also keeping their physical bodies warm. Children are developing their bodies especially during the first 7 years of their lives. An infant and a young child will always feel warm unless they are on the verge of hypothermia because they have an accelerated metabolic rate. If we don’t provide them with the layers of cotton, silk, and wool to insulate their bodies, then they must use some of their potential “growth” energy to heat their bodies. This same energy would be better utilized to further develop their brains, hearts, livers, lungs etc. In addition, being cold decreases immunity. We are all more susceptible to the germs and viruses that are always around us when we are wet and cold. When our body has to expend extra energy to keep warm then less energy is available to “fight” off infections. Susan R. Johnson, MD.

Beautiful photo from @wholefamilyrhythms

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Mamas, we all strive and struggle and want to create conditions for our children to have the very best childhood. I want to remind you today, to remind yourself everyday, they do. They have you. And each day is a new day with something simple to celebrate. It’s already there. Ease up on yourself. (I include myself here) It is not about the decorations or crafts. It is about what lives in your heart.
Take your child in your arms or on your lap, have a good snuggle or rocking time. Just be present. Be there with yourself, and your child. Play a lap game or a finger play. Tell a story from your childhood, something simple that you remember.

This really is the foundation of rhythm. Of being present in the moment. Of simplifying the activities in the day so that we (me included) can just be here in the moment. Lisa Boisvert Mackenzie.

Beautiful photo from @buzaljko

I hope to see you over at @Waldorf.Everyday.

Blessings and magic,



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