It’s mid-winter here in New Hampshire and I can still say that we love New England winters. Phew… what a relief!
When we moved here from California, our biggest worry was that we wouldn’t survive the snow and the cold, that we would freeze and not know how to drive in the snow and ice and struggle with snow blowing and such. Well, I’m happy to report that we are not just surviving it, we are loving it. I’m serious… we. love. the. snow!
This is our second winter here and it has been far colder than our first. We had a very cold snap over new year… down in the minuses for weeks on end! That was hard… especially on the children who got cabin fever from being cooped up inside.
But now that we re back up in the balmy 30’s and the snow is falling, we are sublimely happy again.
The kids have skied 4 times already. They are skiing today, in fact. How cool is this… on Fridays, school ends at 12 and they pile onto the bus for the mountains. They ski all day and we pick them up in the dark from school, exhausted and hungry and exhilarated from the day’s activity.
There has been a lot of crafting too. I’ve become a little hooked on making felted pebbles… in all shades and hues. Gosh I love them so much. I love how each one turns out a little different. Kitty has taken up embroidery and embellishes her tee shirts with freestyle bees and foxes and words of wisdom.
There’s been lots of lovely music coming from both kids’ rooms… guitar from Kitty’s and clarinet from Teddy’s. I love listening to them play… warms my heart.
And then there are the ducks. I love them. Teddy does too. We’re down to two, alas… a duck and a drake. From 6 to 2, thanks to the neighbors dog. Farming is brutal at times. And so rewarding at others! Donald is laying an egg a day. (Don’t worry… we are used to her name. She was named by a boy who doesn’t much care for gender or politics rules). She is so clever!! And we are baking with her eggs… duck eggs are the best to bake with.
I hope you are having a lovely February too and send you lots of snowy love.
Blessings and magic,