Traveling with kids is lots of fun. They learn so much from seeing new sights, meeting new people and experiencing new things. The family memories we make while away from home are priceless too. We are all together and bond in a new and meaningful way. My family has just come home from a trip to California that was so much fun. Our family unit feels closer for having spent weeks together, just hanging out with one another and having time to enjoy each other’s company, away from our busy schedules that often get in the way.
Notwithstanding all the beautiful things we get from traveling with our kids, being out of our routines and rhythms can be challenging. Bedtimes get stretched, sleep may be disrupted, mealtimes become more flexible and our daily habits adjust and shift. This can be unsettling for us and our children. And what about a plane journey or a long trip in the car!! How will our children ever get through sitting still for hours on end? And the germs! In fact, these worries might very well be preventing us from traveling at all! These worries might be preventing us from the happy experiences that will far out way the challenges keeping us from them. Finding natural solutions to help settle us into the joys of traveling is key to a happy and successful traveling-with-kids experience.
If you don’t already use essential oils to help you while traveling with your kids, I’m here to let you know that these little bottles of magic will change things forever! They will help you and your kids in so many positive ways. They ease the transitions, settle the emotions, help with sleep, keep germs at bay and help make things feel a little more like home. I would never set off on a trip without them!
This is how I use them ::
Disclaimer (I have to say this) : I am not a doctor and it is important to follow doTERRA’s safety guides when using their oils.
On Guard Oil – this is doTERRA’s protective and immune boosting blend.
I never leave home without this oil. I roll it on our feet (fun fact :: oils absorb best from the soles of the feet as they have the largest pores), I diffuse it in our hotel room and I use it to sanitize our hands… I even spray it on airplane seats and trays because I love the smell so much. It keeps our bodies healthy and boosts our immune systems. Hey, prevention is better than cure, right? It’s hard to have a good time away from home if we, or our little ones, have the sniffles or are sick and On Guard helps us stay fit and healthy.
Another fun fact : On Guard contains Clove Oil. Clove Oil is super high in antioxidants. On the ORAC scale that measures antioxidant capacity, blueberries have a measurement of 9 000 units. Clove has a measurement of 300 000 units! Clove is 30 times more antioxidant rich than blueberries.
Lavender Oil
Lavender reduces anxiety and emotional stress and promotes a feeling of calm for all of us. Boy… do we use a lot of lavender when we are on the road. It definitely helps to even out our emotions and ward off those out-of-our-comfort-zone eruptions.
When I can tell that the kids are getting anxious and feeling are starting to get a little out of control, I rub some Lavender onto their necks and their feet. It calms them within minutes. But it’s not only for the kids… I use it too when I feel the discomfort of anxiety creeping in.
We diffuse Lavender in our room at night and it definitely helps us all get a good night’s sleep, even though we do miss sleeping in our own beds.
Lavender is great to have around for little mishaps too… it soothes cuts and scrapes, sunburn, a rash and even helps to take the hurt out of a bee sting.
Serenity and Balance Oil – doTERRA’s restful and grounding blends
I never leave these two oils behind either… they are lifesavers when traveling with children. I put Balance on our feet in the mornings to keep us grounded and calm even though our routines are all over the place. Serenity goes in the diffusers at night to help us get over jet lag fast and keep us having restful sleep throughout our trip.
Melaleuca (Tea Tree) Oil
Melaleuca is a handy little oil that I keep in my purse. When the airplane is about to take off, I rub a little (diluted with carrier oil) around our ears and onto our earlobes and it helps our ears adjust to the cabin air pressure changes. A few times on flights, a nearby baby has had painful ear pressure challenges and a little shared Melaleuca has never failed to help ease the discomfort.
It also has strong antimicrobial properties and we dab a little Melaleuca onto any skin wounds to help keep infections at bay.
DigestZen – doTERRA’s digestive blend.
This oil is for sore tummies, indigestion, bloating and any other digestive issue we so frequently get while traveling. The food we eat while on the road is often different from the food our bodies are used to and so digestive challenges always arise. Rubbing a little DigestZen onto our tummies when they are feeling sore or bloated or drinking a drop with a glass of water really helps us while on the go.
One of my children suffers from carsickness and DigestZen has been a lifesaver for him! No more nausea and ‘oopsing’ in the car.
Breathe – doTERRA’s respiratory blend
I take this oil on trips in case of seasonal threats and breathing difficulties. It is a blend of all the oils that work with the sinuses and respiratory system to open up airways and reduce congestion. If we are feeling a little stuffy, I diffuse Breathe in our rooms at night. It’s also a good oil to have on the plane as the air conditioned atmosphere can make our noses and throats feel dry and uncomfortable… rubbing a little breath under our noses always helps.
Because you can never leave Frankincense out of anything, ever! It’s the King Of Oils and should go wherever we go. We rub a drop of Frankincense onto our feet daily for general well being, rejuvenation and cell repair. I add a drop to my skincare products morning and night for skin health and hydration. Frankincense also has powerful antimicrobial properties and can be used to disinfect skin wounds and aids in speedy healing.
It’s so empowering to have these little bottles of magic to help while we are on the road. They benefit us in so many ways. Traveling with kids is super rewarding but can be stressful too… why not employ these natural tools to help make our trips and vacations as wonderful as possible.
As you can tell, I’m passionate about the benefits of essential oils and would love to help you get started on your oil journey. If you are ready to give them a try get in touch and we can discuss your options :: email me at
You can also visit my Essential Oils Page for more info on how we use essential oils in our home.
Here’s to happy, safe and sweet-smelling travels.
Blessings and magic,
One Response
Hi! This is such a nice post! I love the essential oils too and it works amazingly for all of us in the family. Our favorite is the lavender oil. I love its smell and it keeps my baby calm especially during long travels. Thanks for this! Xoxo.