Eco-living On A Budget

We all know that many of the hazardous chemicals in conventional cleaning products are often carcinogens, neurotoxins, mutagens, teratogens, or endocrine disrupters. Of course these toxins are having a negative effect on our bodies and those of our children. We know this! Ditching them in favor of natural cleaning products should be a no-brainer. If […]
Dandelion Fritter Recipe and a New Mother’s Day Tradition

My dear friend, Michelle, posted photos yesterday on Instagram of her delicious Mother’s Day breakfast… dandelion fritters. It turns out that dandelion fritters, cooked by her gorgeous daughter, is her family’s new Mother’s Day tradition. I LOVE this idea (look how yummy they look!) and so I have decided to actively work on making dandelion […]
Our Healthy Homemade Granola Recipe

As many of you know, my mom was recently diagnosed with cancer. A million hours of research later and I can no longer ignore the devastating impact sugar is having on our health as a family and as a society. I’ll come right out and say that I am a life-long sugar junkie (as are […]
Upside-Down Peach Cake Recipe : Baking With Kids

Teddy, the baker in the house, baked the most delicious UPSIDE-DOWN peach cake from one of my favorite recipes (which I’ll share with you below). Our peach tree is laden with peaches and so we are doing all kinds of fun baking with peaches. This cake was a HIT and is all gone now. […]
Autumn Breakfast :: Overnight Spiced Fruit Porridge

Leah from SkillIt is back to share a yummy Autumn breakfast with us. ** Autumn Breakfast ~ Overnight Spiced Fruit Porridge Autumn might be my favorite season of the year. There is something so wonderful about the crisp air, the changing leaves, and soaking up as much sun as possible as the days grow shorter […]
Slow Cooker White Chicken Chilli Recipe

Today we have a guest post from Leah, the lovely mom behind one of my favorite blogs, Skill It. She has an awesome slow cooker recipe for us. This is more timely for me than you can imagine… we’ve had SOOOO many 95+ degree Autumn days here in Southern California and cooking in the oven […]
Favorite Recipe : Slow Cooker Bratwurst and Saurerkraut

I am working very hard on something. I am working on PLANNING dinnertime better. I want to have a delicious and healthy home-cooked meal on the dinner table every evening. It’s not that I never cook a delicious and healthy meal for my family… I do. Most evenings, in fact. The problem is rather the […]
Bacon and Egg Pie Recipe.

Truth be told, I’m going through a bit of a ‘blah’ stage with cooking. It seems utterly unending at this stage in the summer… breakfast runs into lunch that runs into dinner. Tomorrow the same. And it’s sometimes quite exhausting to come up with healthy, wholesome meals that the whole family is excited about. […]
Mulberry Jam Recipe

Our mulberry tree is laden with mulberries. Every day, we all eat our fill of sweet lovely berries : us, the birds, the bunnies and even Moose, the dog… and yet, we just can’t keep up. Our sweet tree just keeps on giving. What to do? Mulberry jam, of course… we make mulberry jam! And, […]
An Easy Cake Recipe for Kids

Teddy is the baker in the family. He loves to cook and bake. We have a cake recipe that he can just about make all on his own. And, it’s delicious too! And, do you know the amazing thing? The mess he makes is so worth a slice of delicious cake! Here is […]