Timone, the Baby Squirrel, and Spring Days

Beautiful squirrel photo on The Magic Onions Waldorf inspired blog

Here are some photos of our lovely spring days. You’ll see Timone, our squirrel, who comes to collect the nuts we leave for him on his chair in the tree. He is just the sweetest and we love him so. Do you remember that we raised him from a baby squirrel (his mom was killed […]

Self Portrait :: Kitty Original

Self Portrait :: Kitty Original :: www.theMagicOnions.com

While cleaning Kitty’s desk, I came across this self portrait that she painted last year. It captures her 11 year-old self perfectly… that space between feeling like a child and and a grown up… still innocent and young but full of the possibility of future adventures that are sure to come her way. I know […]

Craft Fair Fun :: Succulents and Art

Craft Faire :: Knitted Cactus :: www.theMagicOnions.com

I’m a craft fair addict and Kitty is my partner in crime. We go to every fair within a 30 mile radius. WE LOVE THEM! We always find the most wonderful things. And fill ourselves to the brim with creative inspiration. This time, we found ourselves attracted to the most gorgeous knitted succulents. And, of […]

Art is fun!

Sunflower Art for Kindergarten :: www.theMagicOnions.com

Dear Readers, Have you visited my sponsor column on the left side of the page? If you haven’t yet, please do. These are all wonderful small businesses, working hard to bring beauty and authenticity into our lives. Everything they offer will be wonderful gifts from Santa. Today, I want to share a new sponsor, Home […]

The Magic of Art

Fairy Drawing : Work In Progress - www.theMagicOnions.com

I watch Kitty draw with utter amazement. Look what she can do!   How can she do this? I certainly can’t, although I suppose I make art in a different form. Her dad writes beautifully and, perhaps if he had felt a passion for art like she does, and had worked to perfect it for […]

Portraits of Life in the Sunny House

Needle felted toadstool pin cushion

A few mornings ago, I found Teddy sitting on the comfy couch in my room, playing “Kind Hearts in the Garden” on his recorder. The morning sun was streaming in through the window and kissing him. His shadow danced and played on the wall behind him. It looked and sounded so beautiful and touched my […]

For the Love of Art

Watercolor Gnome : The Magic Onions

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that my little girl is already 11. And other times, like this, it’s hard to believe that she’s ONLY 11. I marvel in awe as I watch her artistic talent and skill unfold. She is devoted to her art. She draws and paints at every opportunity… for hours and hours. […]

Hot Summer Days

Summer seems to be going by so fast. Kitty’s been painting. She loves the softness of watercolors. She painted the bison for her granny but I am having a hard time letting her post it off to Australia. It’s a memory from our Yellowstone trip last summer and I so want to frame it for […]

Portraits of Us : Week 15

There’s a Pokemon Craze going on at The Sunny House. Which is funny because, until a few days ago, my children never knew something called ‘Pokemon’ ever existed. They watched a few kids at the park exchanging cards and now Pokemon cards are a must-have. When they asked if we could buy some Pokemon cards, […]

Why Is Art So Good For The Developing Brain : Discovering Waldorf

Kitty spends hours drawing. She uses a pencil and eraser at first and then, when she’s happy with her work, she traces over her drawing with black pen. Her concentration is intense. And, her desire to draw is intense too. I’m so proud to see her working so hard at it. Amazed to see the […]