Discovering Waldorf :: The Joys of a Waldorf Autumn

The Joys of Autumn - Discovering Waldorf ~

At the beginning of Autumn each year, I often go back to this beautiful guest article by Marueen from Twig and Toadstool, on the joys of celebrating Autumn. I know I say this at the beginning of each new season but I really think Autumn is my favorite! :: CELEBRATING AUTUMN IN THE WALDORF HOME […]

Collecting Acorns

Fall is my favorite season for so many reasons. I love the Fall colors… so rich and earthy. And, I am thankful for all the goodies Fall gives us to craft with… pine cones, acorns and colorful leaves. But, what I love most about Fall is that it is ACORN season. It’s the time of […]

Make Autumn Gnomes

Please meet the Autumn Gnomes… aren’t they sweet little fellows? For those of you who want to make some too, here is a tutorial on how to make these sweet little Autumn Gnomes from peg people, felt and a couple of wee felted acorns. Kitty was my helper. She chose three gorgeous Autumn colors from […]

Make A Colorful Autumn Leaf Garland

In America, today is Monday Labor Day. American kids have been on Summer Vacation for the last 3 months and tomorrow, the day after Labor Day, is traditionally the day our kids start the new school year (Kitty is starting Grade 3 and Teddy is starting Kindergarten). And so, today, Labor Day, is unofficially thought […]

Late Autumn Camping

We are so lucky to live in Southern California where the weather is perfect for most of the year. This means that we can go camping just about all year round. Speaking of camping, I wanted to share ths post from a few years ago…  : : : Our little family of 4 live in […]

How To Make A Corn Cob Doll

Granny helped Teddy make Kitty a Corn Cob Doll. The boy is now a Little House On The Prairie convert… and Granny too! We started with some old corn cobs that we had cleaned and set out in the warm Fall sun to dry. Teddy then used a little saw to cut the cobs to […]

Fall Pomegranate Salad

Speaking of pomegranates, Ingrid from Spain is here to tell us about her pomegranate adventures…  : : :   One of our favorite fruits of autumn are the pomegranate. We cut them in half and get out the sweet red balls.  This weekend we decided to prepare a nuts and pomegranate salad with lettuce varied […]

Pomegranates for Dinner!

I’m sure we aren’t the only ones enjoying lovely RED juicy pomegranates… Yum!!!! Blessings and magic,Donni

Words of Light from Softearth’s World

Here are some beautiful words of light from Softearth’s World… : : :  TAKING A NEW ROUTE Once upon a time there lived in the big oak forestAn acorn familyOne night there was a big stormThunder and lightening and the sound of broken branches could be heardThe Acorn family ventured out and surveyed the damageA […]

Make a Ghost Mobile for Halloween.

  We have been saving our white egg shells to make a little ghost mobile for Halloween. Who knew eggshells could make such cute little ghosts? I saved the eggshells from our morning omelettes and washed and dried them. Kitty and Teddy used a black permanent marker to draw little eyes onto the eggshells. Teddy’s […]