The Kitten Prince

His name is Flint but we call him the Kitten Prince. He has stolen our hearts. He seems to have no control over his purr… which he does LOUDLY, whenever ANYONE comes near him. He might be in the middle of attacking a felt ball but, if he feels us near, he’ll PURR. It’s so […]
Child-Made Nativity Set

Last year, my children spent so many hours making the most delightful nativity set from wood, felt and other natural materials. I can’t tell you how much joy it brought us to bring this set out again this year. We remembered so many sweet and funny stories from when we made it. Kitty laughed as […]
Meet Timone, Our Baby Squirrel

We have a new baby at the Sunny House. Meet Timone, our baby squirrel. Isn’t he just the most adorable little thing?! We are smitten in love. He has quite stolen our hearts away! He came to us last week from a friend who, sadly, found him after her cat caught his mother. We […]
Needle Felted Cloud Mobiles and Garlands

When it comes to product photography, Kitty has been my summer helper. I’m so glad we’ve found this common enjoyment. She stopped wanting to be in front of the lens quite a while ago and I really did miss her being with me as I worked. But now she’s discovered that she enjoys being behind […]
Nursery Inspiration : French Lavender and Robins Egg Blue

What could be more fun than decorating a nursery?! Oh, that sweet feeling of bringing a new bundle of joy into your family and home. The wonderful blank slate ahead of you and the knowledge that the world is full of endless possibilities. My baby days are done but I’m so lucky that my business […]
Meet Our New Bunny Pippin

With lots of tears and sadness, our much loved mama bunny went to bunny heaven last month. Baby Bunbuns , her baby, missed her terribly. He was often seen sleeping on her grave, nibbling the roses in the vase on her grave and generally moping around miserably. We knew he was lonely and set out […]