Easter Candles The Kids Will LOVE!

These little Easter egg candles are such fun to make. All you need is a little beeswax, candle wick and a few eggshells (you can buy beeswax in The Magic Onion Shop). The full tutorial is here : How To Make Beeswax Easter Egg Candles Happy Easter, Blessings and magic, Donni […]
Recipe for Natural Beeswax Wood Polish

One of our rainy-day activities in our home is to bathe all of our beautiful wood in gorgeous beeswax polish. The kids and I LOVE this task… there’s something so rich and rewarding in working with the natural goodness of beeswax. Our wood drinks it in too and everything looks wonderfully woody and happy when […]
Fall Nature Crafts for Kids

Fall is just starting to show her pretty face here in Southern California… the leaves are starting to turn Autumn shades and there is an abundance of nature bits to be collected to craft with. We set out into the wild places with boots and a basket and find all manner of treasures. Fall crafting […]
Make a Beeswax Luminary

Happy Valentine’s Day my beautiful friends! I hope your day if filled with love and happiness and special kisses. This morning, Kitty and Teddy went off to school, each with a basket of valentines for their classmates. Kitty had made little heart shaped mice for each of her friends. Teddy… his Valentine’s will be receiving […]
Glittered, Wax Dipped, Pinecone Christmas Ornaments
With Christmas coming, our crafting has gone into overdrive. We love finding goodies from nature and turning them into handmade Christmas gifts and ornaments. Four of our very favorite things all in one craft… beeswax, pine cones, glitter and Christmas. This weekend we made some wax-dipped and glittered pine cones to keep for our Christmas […]
Let’s make a Beeswax Suncatcher.

This weekend was supposed to be a spring cleaning weekend for Kitty. Her wardrobe has become cluttered with favorite clothes that have, alas, either become too small or too holey! Sadly, she is very averse to patches… apparently, they itch! So, it was with a heavy heart that we set about cleaning out her draws […]
Let’s make Easter Candles.

With Easter just around the corner, we have been saving all of our egg shells. When we have an omelet, I crack the egg from the top by knocking on it with a spoon… then I carefully make a hole in the egg shell, a hole just big enough to allow the egg and yolk […]
Let’s make wax-dipped Pine Cone Ornaments.
As you may know, we wish to someday have a Christmas tree that is entire decorated with handmade ornaments… some collected, some made by us, some found at thrift stores or yard sales. We know that it will take many years to collect and make such treasures but we are delighted that we have started […]
Let’s make beeswax leaf ornaments.

How excited I was to find a little silicone leaf mold at a garage sale the other day… I think it’s for chocolates but, of course, all I could see was beeswax! Here are the beeswax leaf ornaments we made today… aren’t they darling? First, we melted our beeswax in a homemade baine-marie (if you […]
Preserve Autumn Leaves with Beeswax.

When we go for our daily walks, we always take a basket for our special finds. Lately, it has been all kinds and colors of Autumn leaves. Today, we preserved our favorites, dipping them in melted beeswax. Aren’t they beautiful… To preserve leaves in beeswax, you will need; *Beeswax (buy online or at craft stores. […]