DIY Pom Pom Blue Bird Craft :: Easter and Spring Crafting

I was recently visited by an inquisitive momma bird as I sat drinking my coffee. It was an unusually warm and sunny morning and the arrival of my feathered friend cheerfully announced what I had suspected… Spring is on the way! I love to watch birds build their nests and prepare for the […]
How To Make A Hummingbirds Nest : Needle Felting Tutorial

Oh my gosh… it’s SUCH a joy to watch the birds begin to build their nests. We are hoping like mad that a bird will build a nest in our garden. More than anything, we are preying that one of the hundreds of hummingbirds that visit us will build a nest in our avocado tree. […]
Helping The Birds Make Beautiful Nests

We have really enjoyed watching the birds building their nests this year. We have a family of crows who live in the tree in our back yard. Apart from the terrible squarking they make in the early mornings, we love them. They are particularly fun to watch when they are building their nests as they […]
Handmade Christmas Gifts – Paper Mache Nest.
Our granny loves birds nests. She has a collection of discarded nests that she has picked up on her walks. They are so pretty to look at and a wonder to see how intricately the husband birds have woven them together. Her love of nests in mind, the kids and I have made her this […]
Make a Hummingbird Feeder.

We so love the hummingbirds. They are prolific in our area… visiting our garden often. They remind me of UFO’s… they come ‘whirrrrrrrrrring’ in, hover, and then, faster than lightening, zip off into the air and away. They amuse me and make me smile. Kitty want’s them to stay. She gets frustrated with their fleeting […]
Lanterns, pressed sweet peas and little birdies.
For some reason, Little Miss K decided that she did not want to make a butterfly lantern with Mr T the other day… Oh NO! She had something much more daring in mind. She had pressed some of our sweet peas a while back and has been saving them for something REALLY special. A Summer […]
Darling Little Birdseed Cakes.
I have been wanting to make these sweet little birdseed cakes for ages. YAY, I finally remembered to buy gelatine at the supermarket… it has been on my shopping list for months but, alas, it was one of those things I just could NOT remember. At last, as I was looking through the spice isle […]
From Nest to Fledgling.
Have you entered our Mother’s Day Giveaway with Periwinkle Sky? If you haven’t, pop over to this post for your chance to win her beautifully illustrated book, ‘My Mother Gave Me the Moon.” In honor of Mother’s Day, I am delighted to share the story of our resident House Finches with you… Our little front […]
Make a No-Knit Yarn Nest.
A few weeks ago, to K’s utter delight, we discovered a little nest in the eves inside our front porch. We have been watching Mr and Mrs House Finch building this nest from our front window. K has been consumed… it reminds me, a little uncomfortably, of myself when the first Big Brother came out. […]
Make a Mossy Spring Wreath.
To welcome Spring into our home, we made a Mossy Spring Wreath to hang on our front door. It has a golden bow, little spring-colored paper roses and a tiny nest with robin’s eggs inside it and we say ‘Hello Spring’ whenever we open our door! This is what we need: * A wreath frame […]