Craft Fair Fun :: Succulents and Art

I’m a craft fair addict and Kitty is my partner in crime. We go to every fair within a 30 mile radius. WE LOVE THEM! We always find the most wonderful things. And fill ourselves to the brim with creative inspiration. This time, we found ourselves attracted to the most gorgeous knitted succulents. And, of […]
Patchwork Indi Arts Show

On Sunday, we packed up the little shop and set it up again for the Patchwork Indi Craft Market in Long Beach, CA. It’s my favorite market. It’s such fun getting to meet all the lovely shoppers. And see their delight as they Ooo and Ahhhh at my magical felted goodies. I had three helpers… […]
Patchwork Indie Arts Festival

Eeek… I’m so excited (and just as scared too)… The Magic Onions will have a booth at the Patchwork Indie Arts Festival in Long Beach next SUNDAY. The Sunny House is all abuzz with planning… a canopy has to be found, tables and tablecloths. I’ve been scouring the local thrift stores for rustic crates and […]