Waldorf Everyday

I’ve started an Instagram tribe for us called @Waldorf.Everyday and I hope you’ll join in. It’s a collective window into our everyday Waldorf and simple-living Instagram posts so that we have a place that connects us and brings us all together. To have your Instagram posts featured, simply tag them with #waldorfeveryday . Each day, […]
Raising Mindful Kids

Raising mindful kids. – by Tina Dombernowsky Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could teach our children how to live in the moment, how to be aware of their bodies, their thoughts, their feelings and their surroundings? What a beautiful life-long gift we can give them if we can help them to be mindful […]
5 Favorite Waldorf Mealtime Blessing Verses

Blessing our food with a favorite Waldorf mealtime blessing verse before we eat it is cherished everyday tradition that is meaningful in so many ways. And not just for children. Blessing our food is just as meaningful for adults too. Firstly, it gives us a moment to calm and collect ourselves before we eat. We […]
Little House on the Prairie :: Best Waldorf Books :: Discovering Waldorf Education

Ask Waldorf inspired families what their favorite books are and most will respond with a resounding, the Little House on the Prairie series, by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Kitty and I started with the first in the series, Little House in the Big Woods, when Kitty was 5. We would read one chapter each evening […]
Discovering Waldorf Education :: Creating a Waldorf Inspired Home

I have exciting news today… I’m happy to announce that I am bringing back the Discovering Waldorf Education series. So many of you have requested its return as it gave us all such a beautiful, every-day, insight into the Waldorf way. The Discovering Waldorf series is a compilation of articles about the Waldorf way of […]
A Waldorf Harvest Faire

Last weekend we attended our school’s annual Harvest Faire. As is usual with all Maple Village Waldorf School celebrations, it was an enchanting event. To be honest, I enjoyed it even more this year as it was the first year in a looooong time that I wasn’t the organizer. I could wander and browse […]
The Six-Year Transformation :: Discovering Waldorf

The Six-Year Transformation By Michelle Brightwater The six-year transformation or change is an amazing and tumultuous time in the life of your youngling (and for you!). This time is referred to as the “first puberty,” which gives a great deal of insight into the kind of behavior you might expect during this time. Although it […]
Bringing Waldorf Earth Day Traditions into your Home

Earth Day is on April 22nd. The first Earth Day in the United States was held on April 22, 1970. It was designed to be a day of environmental teaching. The participation in celebrating this holiday has since grown and Earth Day has become a day to mark an appreciation of the Earth, […]
All About Advent : Discovering Waldorf Series

A few years ago, my sweet friend Kelly wrote a wonderful article about Waldorf and Advent for my Discovering Waldorf Series. I loved finding it today and remembering what Advent is really all about. Advent includes the four Sundays prior to Christmas, a time of inner searching, introspection and anticipation. It is through the darkness […]
The Magic of Boredom.

‘Mom, I’m bored’. ‘Mom, there’s NOTHING to do’. ‘MOM, Teddy’s irritating me!’ ‘Mom, Kitty won’t play with me’. I’ve heard these sentences a hundred times this summer. The summer is long. We dread these sentences. They make us feel bad, don’t they. They make us feel guilty, like we are not doing a […]