DIY Mini Toadstools for your Fairy Garden

How To Make Mini Toadstools for your Fairy Garden :: DIY Tutorial ::

There are many reasons why your fairy garden needs to include a few toadstools. Firstly, they are the cutest little things to add to your magical garden. There is something delightful about the bright red caps speckled with white dots. Somehow, they make us feel happy inside. They make us think of fairies and magic […]

Handmade Spring Fairies :: DIY Felt Tutorial

Spring Fairy :: DIY Felt Tutorials ::

Spring has arrived to Southern California and we have been busy making felt spring fairies. They bring such sweet enchantment to The Sunny House. I have made them from wool felt in pretty pastel colors and I’m happy to share the DIY tutorial with you, below. Aren’t they the sweetest!     Here is an […]

Felt Gumdrop Ornaments :: DIY Tutorial

Felt Gumdrop Christmas Ornaments :: DIY Tutorials ::

  We are having so much fun in The Sunny House with our Christmas crafting. Each day, when the kids come home from school, we set about making new ornaments for our Christmas tree. We choose fun and easy projects that aren’t too involved and Kitty and Teddy are loving this new tradition we’ve started. […]

Cranberry Heart Ornaments :: DIY Tutorial

Cranberry Hearts Christmas Ornaments :: DIY Tutorials ::

  Tis the season to be jolly! We made some beautiful cranberry heart ornaments today with Christmas music ‘jollying’ us along. They look so pretty on our rustic tree. Teddy and I made them while Kitty made us hot chocolate with her famous recipe… 2 cups of milk, one cup of cream and half a […]

Butterfly Christmas Ornaments

DIY Butterfly Christmas Tree Ornament :

  We love these rustic butterfly ornaments. They make our Christmas tree look so wonderfully whimsical. Here’s a DIY tutorial for you to make some for your tree too. Materials : natural vine balls (found in craft stores) feather butterflies (found in craft stores) hemp string (found in craft stores) a hot glue gun   […]

Pine Cone and Felt Gnome Christmas Ornament

Pine Cone Gnome Christmas Ornament :

There is a special kind of magic that radiates from a handmade felt Christmas Ornament… it is like the effort and love that went into making it is shining forth from it’s own heart. Making ornaments has become a Christmas tradition in our home and I treasure the time I spend with my children as […]