Felted Easter Eggs : Needle Felting Tutorail

I’ve been hard at work making magical felted Easter eggs for the Easter Bunny to put in my children’s baskets. I’m thankful that, while they do get chocolate eggs from the Easter Bunny, he also fills their baskets with lots of fun candy alternatives. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to make […]
Planting Mini Pansies in Egg Shells for Easter Decorations

We visited our local garden shop yesterday to buy strawberry plants to plant in the cinder-block holes of my new ‘bunny-proof’ vegetable garden. Before I left home, I voiced my intention NOT TO BUY ANYTHING BUT STRAWBERRY PLANTS to my Good Man (I’m a well-known impulse plant buyer and hoped that if I committed to […]
Make A Needle Felted Easter Egg :: Felting Tutorial

I have been hard at work needle felting Easter Eggs for Kitty and Teddy’s egg hunt on Easter Morning. It is our Easter tradition that the children each make an Easter nest out of grass and twigs on the day before Easter Sunday. It is into these nests that the Easter Bunny leaves them a […]
Happy Easter
Happy Easter, beautiful people :-) Blessings and magic,Donni
Easy Easter Egg Dyeing
With the arrival of Spring last week, we celebrated with a little BBQ with friends on Sunday. Our hard boiled eggs needed a bit of dressing up to get in a festive mood. To color the shells blue, we used some blue food coloring. To make the white lines in the blue, we wrapped some […]
Dyeing Easter Eggs With Neck Tie Silk
We dye some eggs like this every Easter and it is always such an excitement to see how they are going to turn out. First, we visit a thrift store and stock up on a number of bright and colorful silk neck ties (they usually only cost us a dollar or two). They need […]
More Easter Egg Dyeing
Teddy had so much fun dyeing hard boiled eggs last weekend (you can read all about it and see the gorgeous colored eggs we dyed in this post) that he requested we do it again this weekend. Four-year-olds love to repeat things over and over again, don’t they… OK, I said, lets dye eggs for […]
Easter SALE at Fairyfolk

Fairyfolk is having an Easter SALE, exclusive for my precious readers. If you use the coupon code EasterOnions at Etsy checkout, your total will be recalculated to give you a 15% discount on your entire order. This weekend only, Friends, so don’t leave it too long :-) And this discount isn’t only for Easter goodies, […]
Watercolor Painted Easter Eggs

Today, we painted some eggs with watercolor paints.Here is a tutorial of how we blow out our eggs for Easter crafting. How pretty our eggs became. Such gentle and pastel colors. To keep our eggs steady for painting, Kitty had a marvelous idea to use playdough we had in the fridge as a base. Happy […]
Natural Dyes For Easer Eggs
I think Teddy and I have a new obsession (yes, to add to all the others!). We spent the weekend dyeing white eggs with natural dyes from goodies we already had in our fridge. My word, it’s amazing what colors you can get from things we eat… some colors we expected and others were a […]