The Magic of Boredom.

‘Mom, I’m bored’. ‘Mom, there’s NOTHING to do’. ‘MOM, Teddy’s irritating me!’ ‘Mom, Kitty won’t play with me’. I’ve heard these sentences a hundred times this summer. The summer is long. We dread these sentences. They make us feel bad, don’t they. They make us feel guilty, like we are not doing a […]
Nature in Waldorf : Discovering Waldorf Education.

I love it when I rediscover something beautiful, something that moved me years ago… and find that it moves me still, just the same. Such is how I feel about this Discovering Waldorf Education post I stumbled upon a few days ago. In fact, it was the very first article in the Discovering Waldorf series, […]
Natural Toys : Discovering Waldorf Education

A series that explores the ideas and philosophies behind Waldorf Education… For more information on Waldorf Education, please visit the Discovering Waldorf Series from the Waldorf tab in the Navigation bar. Blessings and magic, Donni Are you interested in a Waldorf-inspired lifestyle? Sign up to receive helpful new Discovering Waldorf articles. Email Address First […]
Storytelling : Discovering Waldorf Education

A series that explores the ideas and philosophies behind Waldorf Education… For more information on Waldorf Education, please visit the Discovering Waldorf Series from the Waldorf tab in the Navigation bar. Blessings and magic, Donni Are you interested in a Waldorf-inspired lifestyle? Sign up to receive helpful new Discovering Waldorf articles. Email Address First […]
Treat Creativity With The Same Status As Literacy.

Creativity is as important now in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status – Ken Robinson Millions have watch Ken Robinson’s thought provoking and highly entertaining Ted talk, Do Schools Kill Creativity? Have you? If you agree, let’s all do ONE thing this year to help change things. Blessings and […]
How Can Homeschooling Fit Into My Busy Life? :: Discovering Waldorf

Donna, from The Waldorf Connection is here to share an article on how homeschooling can fit into our busy lives. How can homeschooling fit into my busy life? These days everyone seems busier than ever and if you have one or more young children, you can feel like a juggler with too many […]
Friday’s Nature Table

Welcome to Friday’s Nature Table; a place for us to share our nature inspired adventures and creations. Each week I feature a participant from the week before. As camping season is starting for us (yay) I found this camping-with-kids link from Home Grown Montessori fabulous… If you want a chance for your link to be […]
Discovering Waldorf : The Paradox of Choice

Consider this… The Paradox of Choice Short Ted Talk by Barry Schwartz. For more information on Waldorf Education, please visit the Discovering Waldorf Page. If you would like to see an article on a specific Waldorf topic (or would like to write one for me), please contact me with your ideas and thoughts. Blessings and […]
The Dragonfly Story : Helping Kids Understand Death

We are very sad. On Saturday, a gentle giant in our small community passed away. It was sudden and unexpected. He leaves behind his beautiful wife and three young children. We held a meditation/prayer meeting at our school last night so that we could come together as a community to grieve, support each other and […]
Discovering Waldorf – Getting Started With Waldorf Homeschooling

Donn Ashton from The Waldorf Connection is here to answer our questions on getting started with Waldorf Homeschooling. Getting Started with Waldorf Homeschooling. If you have decided to homeschool using Waldorf-inspired methods, you may be at a common cross roads- Where do I start? Checking online resources and blogs of others can leave you feeling […]