Let’s make Easter Candles.

With Easter just around the corner, we have been saving all of our egg shells. When we have an omelet, I crack the egg from the top by knocking on it with a spoon… then I carefully make a hole in the egg shell, a hole just big enough to allow the egg and yolk […]

Let’s make an Easter Basket.

We are at the grocery store. Kitty : Mom, we really have to get these Cadbury’s Chocolate Eggs! Me: I don’t think so, Kitty, it’s not Easter yet. Kitty: But Mom! (I can see her little brain working furiously) Mom, I want make an Easter Basket and we can keep them in my basket until […]

Handmade Christmas Gifts – Paper Mache Nest.

Our granny loves birds nests. She has a collection of discarded nests that she has picked up on her walks. They are so pretty to look at and a wonder to see how intricately the husband birds have woven them together. Her love of nests in mind, the kids and I have made her this […]

Beeswax Easter Egg Candles.

Today we made another version of our Easter candles… sweet-smelling beeswax eggs! We needed: * playdough * a boiled egg * about an egg sized amount of beeswax (see melting tutorial here) * candle wick (from a craft store) * a toothpick * a tiny drop of olive oil * a recycled eggcup * a […]

Make Fun Easter Candles

Making sweet Easter candles has become an Easter tradition in our family. We make a few variations and save them all to put on our Easter table. It is a treat for the kids when they are, at last, allowed to light them… each child taking turns with the taper. The anticipation of having saved […]

Make a Mossy Spring Wreath.

To welcome Spring into our home, we made a Mossy Spring Wreath to hang on our front door. It has a golden bow, little spring-colored paper roses and a tiny nest with robin’s eggs inside it and we say ‘Hello Spring’ whenever we open our door! This is what we need: * A wreath frame […]

Decorate an Easter Egg with Pressed Flowers.

Today we continued our Easter Crafts and used our pressed flowers to make a beautiful flower Easter egg. We pressed the Black Eyed Susan’s about two weeks ago. K had great fun collecting the best specimens from our vine for pressing. She chose pretty orange flowers and lovely green leaves. She arranged them neatly on […]

Making Waxed Easter Eggs.

I love the lead up to Easter… there are so many sweet crafts that Easter inspires… nests, birds, bunnies, eggs… today, we decorated eggshells. We painted the eggshells we blew out the other day. If you haven’t done it before, here is a tutorial on how to clean out an egg shell. As we love […]

Savory Crepe Recipe.

As promised, my yummy crepe recipe… Best way to use up all those eggs from the egg blowing! Crepes, * two eggs * 1 cup flour * 1/2 cup milk * 1/2 cup water * 2 Tbsp melted butter * 1/4 t salt In a bowl… beat the eggs, mix in the flour, add milk, […]

Make a Pretty Spring Nest.

We had so much fun yesterday making our ‘Blossoms for Birds‘ tree and really started to think about nests… how they are made and how eggs are laid. K longs for a bird to make a nest where she can watch him. She is so hoping a bird will make a nest in the jasmine […]