Velvet Material Pumpkins :: DIY Thanksgiving Crafting Tutorial

Velvet Pumpkin DIY Tutorial

We’ve been making velvet pumpkins to get us into the Thanksgiving spirit. We add a few drops of On Guard essential oil to the rice inside and now our home smells so so so yummy! They are really very quick and easy to make, just a few simple steps…     You can also follow […]

Velvet Pumpkins :: DIY Tutorial

Velvet Pumpkin DIY Tutorial

I’ve admired velvet pumpkins for years. There is something so awesomely luxurious about them. I love velvet. It makes me remember my grandmother… or rather, her formal sitting room… the one children were forbidden (unless on vary rare special occasions) to enter. It had plush velvet couches that a child could draw on simply by […]