Handmade Spring Fairies :: DIY Felt Tutorial

Spring has arrived to Southern California and we have been busy making felt spring fairies. They bring such sweet enchantment to The Sunny House. I have made them from wool felt in pretty pastel colors and I’m happy to share the DIY tutorial with you, below. Aren’t they the sweetest! Here is an […]
Fairy Garden Feature : SIX

Look at this wonderfully colorful Fairy Garden made by Sophie, who is 7. I love how bright it is. And how there are SO many sweet things to play with. I can tell, Sophie plays in her Fairy Garden A LOT. I love that! Thank you for making this sweet Fairy Garden, Sophie… […]
Make Gnome Homes in the Woods

When you are out in nature, it’s always a fun activity to take a moment to make a gnome home. Let the kids forage for gnome-ly things… a little stump table, stone stools, a bark house. Decorate with berries and flowers. You’ll be amazed at how much fun it is… for the kids AND for […]
Fairy Garden Contest :: 3 Days Left!

Come on, come on, fairy gardening friends, three days left to enter your fairy garden into the contest!!!… don’t miss your chance to win some amazing prizes!! Here are the important Fairy Garden Links : Enter the Fairy Garden Contest here (and check out all the other magical gardens already entered). For more Fairy Garden […]
Winners of the 2012 Fairy Garden Contest !
Here are the winners of the 2012 Fairy Garden Contest. I know I’m a little late with this announcement but can you imagine how difficult it has been for me to pick just a few? We’ve had a huge number of gardens enter this year… 121 Fairy Gardens entered on my blog Contest page and […]
Fairy Gardens :: A Weekly Sneak Peek
Now we have 62 magical gardens entered into our Fairy Garden Contest. Click on the link to see all of the amazingly creative and charming gardens you guys have made :-) Here’s my weekly sneak peek of some of the new ones… please click on each link to see the Fairy Garden in more detail. […]
Fairy Furniture – A Stick Chair for your Fairy Garden

Our Fairy Garden (click the link to see it) needed a chair. Amazing… a few sticks, a hot glue gun and, Voila!! To make our cute little stick chair, we needed some straight sticks that Teddy found in the garden, a popsicle stick (from Kitty’s last popsicle), garden scissors and a hot glue gun (you […]
The Most Romantic Fairy’s Bed
Kitty made her fairies another gift this weekend… a beautiful four-poster bed with a canopy of white lace… what could be more romantic? She started with a large, white clam shell. I found a stack of about 20 of these lovely shells at a garage sale a while back and thought how lovely they would […]
Do Your Fairies Need A Ladder? :: Fairy Garden 2012
Does your Fairy Garden need a ladder? Ours did! We had a great happening this weekend in the Fairy Garden. Do you remember the mail box that we made for our Fairy Garden ~ Snail Mail (click on the link to see our snail mail mailbox)? Well, on Saturday morning, Kitty went out to play […]
More Fairy Gardens – 2012
Ooo, it’s so exciting. The Fairy Garden Contest is hotting up! My kids and I have a Saturday ritual of pouring through each new entry and delighting over all the fun ideas you guys are coming up with. Thank you for your amazing creativity. Here’s a small sampling of some of the Fairy Gardens entered […]