Fairies And Magical Discoveries

Fairy Doll by Anna Brahms - www.theMagicOnions.com

I am loving living here. New England is such an awesome place to find oneself. Not only is the landscape utterly picturesque, wild and untamed but the little towns and boroughs, dotted all around, are quaint and whimsical, each one with it’s own unique charm and character. Brattleboro, Vermont, is an easy 3o minutes drive […]

Always Believe in Fairies

Do you believe in fairies? I do. To me, believing in fairies means more than just believing in little creatures with wings. It means believing in magic and miracles. It means opening your heart to the possibility that anything and everything is possible. It means perceiving that there is so much we don’t yet know […]

Needle Felted Valentine Fairy :: Tutorial

Tutorial Needle Felted Fairy :: www.theMagicOnions.com

Meet Valentina. She a Valentine Fairy. Isn’t she sweet?!     I know you’ll want to make a gnome just like her, so I am sharing a step-by-step tutorial with you. Here it is :   Needle Felted Valentine Fairy Tutorial   Look at her pretty pink hair and her sweet gnome hat…     […]

The Magic of Art

Fairy Drawing : Work In Progress - www.theMagicOnions.com

I watch Kitty draw with utter amazement. Look what she can do!   How can she do this? I certainly can’t, although I suppose I make art in a different form. Her dad writes beautifully and, perhaps if he had felt a passion for art like she does, and had worked to perfect it for […]

Hello February!

Hello February : www.theMagicOnions.com

  I’m looking forward to this new month… so many treasures to unfurl and magic to discover. Breathe deep of the winter sunshine, sparkle like dew and know that there are enchantments all around.       I can’t wait to share wonder with you this month. Blessings and magic, Donni

For the Love of Art

Watercolor Gnome : The Magic Onions

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that my little girl is already 11. And other times, like this, it’s hard to believe that she’s ONLY 11. I marvel in awe as I watch her artistic talent and skill unfold. She is devoted to her art. She draws and paints at every opportunity… for hours and hours. […]

2014 Fairy Garden Contest : Finalists : Part TWO

Tree Trunk Fairy Garden : Finalists of the 2104 Fairy Garden Contest : www.theMagicOnions.com

Yesterday, I shared Part ONE of the Fairy Garden finalists with 8 magical gardens. Today is Part TWO and I have another 8 enchanting gardens to show you. I’ll start with this AMAZING creation from the Twig and Toadstool kids (click on the link to see closeup photos). Isn’t it breathtaking?! So much detail… acorn […]

2014 Fairy Garden Contest : Finalists : Part ONE

Magical Fairy Gardens: Contest Finalists : The Magic Onions : www.theMagicOnions.com

You can imagine the hard time we’ve had choosing winners for this years Fairy Garden Contest. Oh, my… it’s been almost impossible as each and EVERY garden entered (and there were over 150 entries) were utterly magical. The truth is that everyone who made a fairy garden is a winner. Thank you for making magic […]

Delightful Fairies from Lavender & Lark

Fairy from Lavender & Lark : www.theMagicOnions.com

I’m more than excited to share the delightful fairies from Lavender & Lark, who is offering one of the amazing prizes for the Fairy Garden Contest. Aren’t they just the most magical little fairies you’ve ever seen? Every detail is perfect and just so enchanting that it’s hard not to squeal when you notice it. […]

Fairy Gardens still coming in…

Fairy Garden : The Magic Onions : www.theMagicOnions.com

I’ve extended the deadline for the Fairy Garden Contest for a few days while I organize the entries I have received through my email and Facebook. This is great news for those of you who, like me,  are on ‘summer time’. You can still make a fairy garden and enter it into this years’ contest. […]