Prizes for The FAIRY GARDEN CONTEST : 2016

WOW! Here are the Prizes for the 2016 Fairy Garden Contest. (click here to see the 2016 Fairy Garden Contest. The contest is open for entries through August 5, 2016) Am I excited to share this news with you! The Fairy Garden Contest PRIZES this year are utterly AWESOME. The Magic Onions has […]
Fairy Garden Feature : Nighttime Delight

Head on over to Fairy Gardens (my other home) to see a new magical fairy garden feature. Oh my… this is a creative delight in the extreme! Here’s a sneak-peek : For more detailed photos of this delightful fairy garden, please visit the Fairy Gardens blog. And, please enter your fairy garden into this years […]
Fairy Garden Feature : Welcome Village

Once again, we have so many magical Fairy Gardens entered into this year’s Fairy Garden contest. If you haven’t already, please enter your garden too. We would all love to see what you (and your little ones, if they have helped) have created. The contest will close on September 15th… so there ‘s still plenty […]
Winners of the Fairy Garden Contest 2014!

It is with great excitement that I announce the winners of the 2014 Fairy Garden Contest. Boy was it difficult to pick just four (see the finalists here and here). In my mind, you are ALL winners and the greatest prize EVERYONE won was the magical time you had making your Fairy Garden. Thank you […]
2014 Fairy Garden Contest : Finalists : Part ONE

You can imagine the hard time we’ve had choosing winners for this years Fairy Garden Contest. Oh, my… it’s been almost impossible as each and EVERY garden entered (and there were over 150 entries) were utterly magical. The truth is that everyone who made a fairy garden is a winner. Thank you for making magic […]
Delightful Fairies from Lavender & Lark

I’m more than excited to share the delightful fairies from Lavender & Lark, who is offering one of the amazing prizes for the Fairy Garden Contest. Aren’t they just the most magical little fairies you’ve ever seen? Every detail is perfect and just so enchanting that it’s hard not to squeal when you notice it. […]
Fairy Garden Contest : ENTER now.

Hi Fairy Garden Friends, It’s almost August!! Just a reminder that the Fairy Garden contest is drawing to a close. Entries close on August 1st. However, if you are like me and don’t like deadlines very much, I will be allowing a few late entries if you write and ask at Donni(at)theMagicOnions(dot)com . Just look […]
Fairy Garden Feature : Eight

Here is a sweet Fairy Garden made by Lisa. Isn’t it enchanting? I’m certain it will inspire you to make your own Fairy Garden. I love all the little details… the potting shed, the cat sleeping on the porch, Tinkerbell sitting on the bench. Fairy Gardens are so much fun! If this Fairy Garden […]
The Cutest Fairy Garden EVER!

This is the winner of the 2014 Fairy Garden Contest. Isn’t it the most magical fairy garden ever!!! Sandi made this garden for the neighborhood kids. Can you imagine finding it, stumbling upon it, unawares that such magic awaits? Can you imagine the feeling of wonder and enchantment it would bring. Sandi, THIS […]
Fairy Garden Feature : SIX

Look at this wonderfully colorful Fairy Garden made by Sophie, who is 7. I love how bright it is. And how there are SO many sweet things to play with. I can tell, Sophie plays in her Fairy Garden A LOT. I love that! Thank you for making this sweet Fairy Garden, Sophie… […]