Finalists :: Fairy Garden Contest :: 2013

Fairy Garden -

What an amazing Fairy Garden Contest we’ve had this year. Over 200 magical and beautiful gardens were entered! Kitty, Teddy and I have poured over each entry, enthralled by the imagination and creativity in every one. Thank you all for participating… you have truly brought joy into our lives. Please thank you children too and […]

Fairy Garden Feature :: Six :: 2013

Fairy Gardens on The Magic Onions - www.theMagicOnions

A new Fairy Garden feature… this one was sent in by email from Tara and her beautiful girls. Tara says that her girls had SO much fun making their Fairy Garden together, each girl adding her own magic until it is just sparkling with fairy dust! Isn’t it adorable!! I LOVE the green moss and […]

Prizes :: 2013 Fairy Gardens

Fairy Gardens :: 2013 :: The Magic Onions ~

First Prize :: $100 Spending Spree at the magical toyshop Bella Luna Toys Second Prize :: 6 Month Subscription to Mariposa Forest worth $50 Third Prize :: $25 Spending Spree at the Miniature Garden Shoppe Such magical prizes!!! Please visit their sites to see the wonderful goodies you and your child could win. To have […]

Fairy Garden Feature :: 2013 :: Two

Happy Earth Day! To celebrate, check out the new entries in our Fairy Garden Contest. Such magical gardens… keep them coming! Each week, I feature a new entry into the contest. If you want your garden to be featured, be sure to link back somewhere on your blog to The Magic Onions Fairy Garden Contest. […]

Fairy Garden Feature :: 2013 :: One

Excitement abounds!! We have our first entries into our 5th Annual Fairy Garden Contest!!! It is thrilling to see each new Fairy Garden and imagine all the magical experiences the children have had (and are still having) with them. I will be featuring a new Fairy Garden entry each week and this week it’s a […]

Fairy Gardens :: 2013 :: Kitty’s Personal Fairy Garden

We had a magical weekend making Fairy Gardens. Kitty decided she wanted her own, personal, Fairy Garden… one that she could move around if she wanted to. We set off for our nearest thrift shop in search of the perfect container. When she saw an old silver soup tureen, she declared that she’d found it! […]

Fairy Garden Contest :: 2013

Fairy Garden Contest 2013 on The Magic Onions

It is with great excitement that I present the 5th Annual Fairy Garden Contest! Get out your tiny rakes and trowels… find some moss and magic… and make a Fairy Garden! Click this link to see the AWESOME prizes for the 2013 Fairy Garden Contest! CONTEST RULES: 1. Make a Fairy Garden. 2. Write a […]