Prizes : Fairy Garden Contest 2014

With much excitement, I present the PRIZES for the ANNUAL 2014 Fairy Garden Contest. They are AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME, with a whopping combined VALUE of $ 435! See for yourselves… First Prize : a gorgeous fairy (worth $150) from Lavender and Lark Second Prize : a $110 Gift Certificate to The Magic Onions Store […]
Fairy Garden Feature : ONE

Yay! We have our first Fairy Garden from the 2014 Fairy Garden Contest to feature today. Isn’t it utterly enchanting and totally magical?? I’m sure that seeing it will be SURE to get you in the garden and making your own little fairy wonderland!! More photos will follow but first, I neglected to add my […]
Tea Cup Fairy Garden : Tutorail

A few years ago, Kitty made the most delightful Fairy Garden. She made it in a tea cup! It sat as the centerpiece on our dining room table for months and was at the center of many dinnertime imaginings. Isn’t it the sweetest!! I have received so many emails over the years, asking […]
Our Fairy Garden in a Stump :: More Photos!

As promised, here are some more photos of our magical Fairy Garden Gnome Home that is made in a hollowed out tree stump. Please sign up to receive delightful Fairy Garden tips and special features… BONUS : subscribers go into the monthly draw to win special gifts from The Magic Onions Shop. Email Address […]
Our New Fairy Garden : In a Stump!

As promised, here are photos of our new Fairy Garden. It is made in the hollowed out stump of our old plum tree (who sadly died this winter). We love our Fairy Garden all the more, knowing that our beloved plum tree’s spirit lives on inside her. We have called this garden our Gnome Home. […]
Fairy Garden Contest :: 2014 :: Enter Here!

Important NOTE : The winners of the Fairy Garden Contest will be announced in September. I’m sorry for the delay but it’s taking a little longer than anticipated to pick just 4 winners from such enchanting entries. I’ll give you an update soon, I promise. Thanks for your patience. It is with GREAT excitement that […]
Fairy Garden Season!!!!

Whooo hooo!!! Today is the 1st of April and you know what that means? … It’s Fairy Garden Season!! On Wednesday, April 2nd 2014 (tomorrow), I’ll open the 6th Annual Fairy Garden Contest and the fun will begin. The contest will run from April 1st to August 1st. Today, please visit my Fairy Garden Page […]