Miniature Sunflower Pot Plant for your Fairy Garden

Make a delightful mini SUNFLOWER for your fairy garden with this easy DIY tutorial on The Magic Onions blog

I promised I’d share tutorials for all the sweet little additions in our teacup fairy garden. Here’s how we made the sunny sunflower pot plant.     Materials you’ll need : – Mini terracotta pot – Reindeer moss – A dried flower – A 4 inch twig – Hot glue gun and glue   Method […]

Fairy Garden Contest :: 2016

Hooray! It’s April and the start of the Fairy Garden contest. This is the most exciting news we’ve heard all day, isn’t it. If you and your little ones are avid fairy gardeners like we are, there will be excitement for sure.     If you don’t know about the contest, you are in for […]

A Magical Encounter.

photo of my acorn and marble chandelier in my magical Fairy Garden

We had a magical weekend. I’ve shared all about our extraordinary encounter on my new website… please join me there today. Here’s a sneak peek…     For many more magical photos, please visit Be sure to check out the extensive fairy garden photo gallery, the ENCHANTING shop and the 2015 Fairy Garden […]

Fairy Garden Treasures

Photo of a Mini Fairy Garden Filigree Wire Bench

I’ve been having so much fun stocking the new Fairy Garden shop. If you haven’t popped over for a look yet, please do… you are in for a treat! …     Little by little I’m adding the most delightful and whimsical treasures… have a look at these cute Fairy Garden goodies I’ve found […]

Winners of the Fairy Garden Contest 2014!

Winner : 2014 Fairy Garden Contest on The Magic Onions Blog :

It is with great excitement that I announce the winners of the 2014 Fairy Garden Contest. Boy was it difficult to pick just four (see the finalists here and here). In my mind, you are ALL winners and the greatest prize EVERYONE won was the magical time you had making your Fairy Garden. Thank you […]

2014 Fairy Garden Contest : Finalists : Part ONE

Magical Fairy Gardens: Contest Finalists : The Magic Onions :

You can imagine the hard time we’ve had choosing winners for this years Fairy Garden Contest. Oh, my… it’s been almost impossible as each and EVERY garden entered (and there were over 150 entries) were utterly magical. The truth is that everyone who made a fairy garden is a winner. Thank you for making magic […]

Fairy Garden Contest : ENTER now.

Fairy Garden Contest : The Magic Onions :

Hi Fairy Garden Friends, It’s almost August!! Just a reminder that the Fairy Garden contest is drawing to a close.  Entries close on August 1st. However, if you are like me and don’t like deadlines very much, I will be allowing a few late entries if you write and ask at Donni(at)theMagicOnions(dot)com  . Just look […]

DIY Painted Fairy Houses

DIY Painted Fairy House : The Magic Onions :

We spent the morning making pretty houses for our Fairy Garden. We painted wooden birdhouses in bright rainbow colors. Both children declared that ‘bright rainbow colors’ attract fairies… did you know that? Materials we needed : craft paper wood birdhouse (from craft store) paint (from craft store) polyurethane spray paint (craft or hardware store)   […]

The Cutest Fairy Garden EVER!

Magical Fairy Garden : The Magic Onions :

This is the winner of the 2014 Fairy Garden Contest. Isn’t it the most magical fairy garden ever!!!     Sandi made this garden for the neighborhood kids. Can you imagine finding it, stumbling upon it, unawares that such magic awaits? Can you imagine the feeling of wonder and enchantment it would bring. Sandi, THIS […]

Tutorial : Make Mini Toadstools for your Fairy Garden

Tutorial : Clay Toadstools for your Fairy Garden :

We made the most adorable clay toadstools for our fairy garden.     You won’t believe how easy they are to make. All you need is : *  Sculpey clay (from a craft store) *  toothpicks *  paint and a paintbrush     Break off a small amount of clay (about the size of your […]