Make your own DIY Wool Dryer Balls

Tutorial - Wool Dryer Balls

Do you use wool dryer balls when you dry your clothes in your drying machine?   If you don’t, you should give them a try… they are FABULOUS!!   – They speed your drying time which can relate to a big saving on your monthly gas or electricity bill. – They are reusable and last […]

Fairy Garden Feature :: 2013 :: Eleven

Fairy Gardens on The Magic Onions _

There are SO MANY beautiful gardens entered into the Fairy Garden Contest… how will we ever choose a winner? Please sign up to receive delightful Fairy Garden tips and special features… BONUS : subscribers go into the monthly draw to win special gifts from The Magic Onions Shop. Email Address Here is a Fairy Garden […]

Gnome and Fairy Houses

I am LOVING reading Sarah Olmstead’s book Imagine Childhood. She has such a magical way of writing and, more than once, I’ve come to a paragraph where I’ve thought, ‘Oh yes… I did that as a child too!!’ Childhood is an universal language. I find Sarah’s words inspiring. Being a mom and having the power […]