Craft Fair Fun :: Succulents and Art

Craft Faire :: Knitted Cactus ::

I’m a craft fair addict and Kitty is my partner in crime. We go to every fair within a 30 mile radius. WE LOVE THEM! We always find the most wonderful things. And fill ourselves to the brim with creative inspiration. This time, we found ourselves attracted to the most gorgeous knitted succulents. And, of […]

Felt Leaf Ornaments : Crafts for Thanksgiving

DIY Felt Leaf Ornaments for Thanksgiving Tutorial :

  Are you looking for a fun and easy crafting tutorial to make your Thanksgiving table look even more gorgeous this year? These felt leaf ornaments will do it! Here is a list of materials you’ll need :   I used my good old Sizzix to cut the leaves from autumn-colored wool felt.     […]

Patchwork Indi Arts Show

The Magic Onions Shop :

On Sunday, we packed up the little shop and set it up again for the Patchwork Indi Craft Market in Long Beach, CA. It’s my favorite market. It’s such fun getting to meet all the lovely shoppers. And see their delight as they Ooo and Ahhhh at my magical felted goodies. I had three helpers… […]

Needle Felted Christmas Ornaments : 7 Tutorials

7 Needle Feltd Christmas Ornament Tutorials :

I love working with wool felt… especially for Christmas crafting. It’s warm and cozy and makes the most delightful Christmas ornaments. Here is a collection of my favorite felted ornament tutorials : 1. Needle Felted Heart Tutorial. 2. Felt Ball Christmas Tree. 3. Felt Pine Cone Ornament. 4. Colorful Felt Christmas Tree. 5. Cashmere and […]

Waldorf Knitted Story Blanket Playscape

I can’t bring you Friday’s Nature Table today… why? Because I can’t wait a moment longer to show you the knitted Waldorf story blanket we made to raffle off at our Harvest Faire on Saturday. Just look at it… isn’t it quite the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen!! It is a Maple Village tradition […]

A Father’s Day Gift :: Felted Soap-on-a-Rope

Father’s Day is just three weeks away. We usually leave things to the very last minute, so, I was very happy when Teddy’s teacher asked if I would help his class make a little woolly gift for all the class dads. Nice to do things without the rush, for once :-) We made wonderful felted […]