Prizes for The FAIRY GARDEN CONTEST : 2016

WOW! Here are the Prizes for the 2016 Fairy Garden Contest. (click here to see the 2016 Fairy Garden Contest. The contest is open for entries through August 5, 2016) Am I excited to share this news with you! The Fairy Garden Contest PRIZES this year are utterly AWESOME. The Magic Onions has […]
Miniature Sunflower Pot Plant for your Fairy Garden

I promised I’d share tutorials for all the sweet little additions in our teacup fairy garden. Here’s how we made the sunny sunflower pot plant. Materials you’ll need : – Mini terracotta pot – Reindeer moss – A dried flower – A 4 inch twig – Hot glue gun and glue Method […]
DIY Mini Toadstools for your Fairy Garden

There are many reasons why your fairy garden needs to include a few toadstools. Firstly, they are the cutest little things to add to your magical garden. There is something delightful about the bright red caps speckled with white dots. Somehow, they make us feel happy inside. They make us think of fairies and magic […]
A Fairy Garden in a Tea Cup :: A Miniature DIY Tutorial

Calling all English, tea-loving fairies… we’ve made the most delightful fairy garden habitat for you… in my favorite teacup. Please move in. It all started when I broke the saucer to one of my favorite teacups. I wanted to cry. I’ve had this beautiful tea set for many many years. Each cup and […]
Fairy Garden Contest :: 2016

Hooray! It’s April and the start of the Fairy Garden contest. This is the most exciting news we’ve heard all day, isn’t it. If you and your little ones are avid fairy gardeners like we are, there will be excitement for sure. If you don’t know about the contest, you are in for […]