Finger Knitted Yarn Flowers :: A DIY Tutorial for Kids
Last week, I promised I’d share Teddy’s DIY finger knitted flower tutorial. Teddy’s been finger knitting like a wild-man and we’ve made so many beautiful creations from the fruits of his labor. I have already shared an easy finger knitting tutorial with you so that you can teach your child this […]
Finger Knitting For Kids :: An Easy DIY Tutorial
As you may know, Teddy recently fell out of a tree and injured his liver. He has recovered very well. Thanks for all your well wishes and the healing vibes you sent him. They worked. But, for the next 4 months, he is under strict activity restrictions. He can’t do anything that may result in […]
Easy Knitting for Kids : Knitted Cat Tutorial : Discovering Waldorf
There is something supremely satisfying for our children when they are able to make a tangible creation with their own two hands. It’s one of the things I love most about Waldorf education, this sense that kids can make whatever they want. I’ve seen the gift unfold often over the years. I have watched as […]
Teaching Kids To Knit
Kitty has become quite the knitter. She loves to sit peacefully in a comfy spot and knit quietly. She has knitted herself a hat, a chicken, her dolls a blanket, her animals some scarfs. I find it magical to watch her in her own world while she works with her hands and the lovely wool. […]
Yarn Wrapped Branches for Spring
I saw some wonderfully colorful, yarn wrapped, branches on Pinterest the other day and knew that Kitty and I would have to give them a go. What a perfect way to bring a splash of rustic Spring color into our home. So, on a cold and rainy day, Kitty and I set to work. The […]
Finger Knitted Flowers.
I was the luckiest mom on Mothers Day. I received two very precious gifts… a hand-dyed silk scarf from Teddy that he had painted for me in school (I’m wearing it now as it’s a rainy Spring day here in Southern California). From Kitty, I received an utterly gorgeous finger knitted flower that she made […]