Friday’s Nature Table

Dragonfly crafts on The Magic Onions -

Welcome to Friday’s Nature Table where we share our nature-inspired creations and activities. Each week I feature a link from the week before. We have made friends with some local dragonflies and I was delighted to read this about dragonflies and glean such awesome dragonfly info to share with Kit and Teddy… If you’d like […]

Friday’s Nature Table

Forest Themed Birthday Party -

Welcome to Friday’s Nature Table where we share our nature-inspired activities and creations. Here’s such a fun link from last week… a ‘Forest School Birthday Party‘ in the woods! If you’d like your link to be featured next week, be sure to link back to The Magic Onions somewhere on your blog. Can’t wait to […]

Friday’s Nature Table

Mud Play

Welcome to Friday’s Nature Table where share our nature inspired posts and activities. Can’t wait to see what you clever peeps have been up to this week! Each week I feature a link from the past…  I just LOVE this mud… If you ‘d like your link to be featured next week, please be sure […]

Friday’s Nature Table

Exploring Rocks with children

Welcome to Friday’s Nature Table, where we share our nature inspired crafts and activities. Each week I feature a post from the week before. Teddy has just discovered that rocks ROCK!! He was so excited to pour over these rocks … we’ll be making our own ‘rock-o-torium’ for sure. If you would like your link […]

Friday’s Nature Table

Welcome to Friday’s Nature Table where we share our nature inspired activities and creations. Each week I feature a couple of links shared the week before. Here is such a fantastic summer activity… collect sticks, twigs and other nature bits and let your little ones build to their hearts content. I adore this photo… amazing […]

Friday’s Nature Table

Autumn Wheat Crown :

Welcome to Friday’s Nature Table, where we share our nature-inspired activities and creations. Each week, I feature a link from the week before. Don’t you just LOVE this wheat crown!! Perfect for an Autumn fairy… If you’d like your link to be featured next week, be sure to include a link-back to The Magic Onions […]

Friday’s Nature Table

Friday's Nature Table -

Welcome to Friday’s Nature Table where we share our nature inspired creations and activities. Each week, I feature a couple of links from the week before… Teddy and I think that raising tadpoles would be SUCH fun! – Check them out here at Taming the Goblin… Here is such a super article from a Waldorf […]

Friday’s Nature Table

Waldorf Birthday Gifts -

Welcome to Friday’s Nature Table where we share our nature-inspired creations and experiences. Each week, I feature a link from the week before… we so enjoyed seeing all the cool things this family discovered in nature… And, look at these gorgeous open-ended gifts for a 3 year-old… If you’d like your link to be chosen […]

Friday’s Nature Table

Welcome to Friday’s Nature Table where we share our nature inspired activities and creations. Each week, I feature a link from the week before… Kitty and I fell in love with this sweet Nature Table from Maaike… And, I’m definitely going to make this yummy granola from We Bloom Here… If you’d like your link […]

Friday’s Nature Table

Welcome to Friday’s Nature Table, where we share our nature inspired activities and creations. Each week, I feature a link from the week before. I think this flower-pounded banner from Buggy and Buddy is a super fun activity for the kids… Teddy especially will love this. If you would like your link to be next […]