Fairy Garden Feature : NINE

Fairy Garden : The Magic Onions : www.theMagicOnions.com

I have SUCH and enchanting fairy garden to share with you today. Oh my… just look at the creativity in this beautiful fairy house :   The fairies have made everything in their house from things they have picked up from nature. Can you see the kitchen, complete with a larder full of tasty treats […]

Fairy Gardens still coming in…

Fairy Garden : The Magic Onions : www.theMagicOnions.com

I’ve extended the deadline for the Fairy Garden Contest for a few days while I organize the entries I have received through my email and Facebook. This is great news for those of you who, like me,  are on ‘summer time’. You can still make a fairy garden and enter it into this years’ contest. […]

Fairy Garden Feature : FIVE

Fairy Garden : The Magic Onions : www.theMagicOnions.com

I have SUPER-CHARMING Fairy Gardens to share with you today. Oh my, you are going to LOVE this. Dannyelle has created a whole village of potted Fairy Gardens to decorate her porch stairs. Each stair has a pot and each pot has a Fairy garden. And they are ALL beautiful! Look…   Now, THAT is […]

Recipe for Natural Beeswax Wood Polish

Natural Beeswax Furniture Polish Recipe : www.theMagicOnions.com

One of our rainy-day activities in our home is to bathe all of our beautiful wood in gorgeous beeswax polish. The kids and I LOVE this task… there’s something so rich and rewarding in working with the natural goodness of beeswax. Our wood drinks it in too and everything looks wonderfully woody and happy when […]