Miniature Spring Garden planted in a Shell :: DIY

We planted a pretty little SPRING garden in some sea shells. It looks adorable and brings a burst of Easter color into our home. Kitty has stolen it for her room. All of our best creations end up in there. All you need to plant your own shell garden are some medium sized […]
Planting a Butterfly Garden.

Did you know that monarch butterflies undertake a 2 THOUSAND mile journey every winter? They travel from Canada to Mexico. This amazing migration spans the life of three or four generations of butterflies… this means that no single butterfly ever makes the entire journey. Isn’t that amazing! I’m sure you have also heard that monarchs […]
2014 Fairy Garden Contest : Finalists : Part TWO

Yesterday, I shared Part ONE of the Fairy Garden finalists with 8 magical gardens. Today is Part TWO and I have another 8 enchanting gardens to show you. I’ll start with this AMAZING creation from the Twig and Toadstool kids (click on the link to see closeup photos). Isn’t it breathtaking?! So much detail… acorn […]
Super Simple Tomato Jam Recipe

At the start of summer, we planted two cherry tomato plants. Wow… have they produced!! We have feasted for weeks on gorgeous tasting bursts of summer. The kids have picked them daily, popping tomatoes into their mouths while they are still warm from the sun. We have eaten caprese salads, tomato mayo sandwiches, tomato and […]
Succulents planted in Antique Wooden Thread Spools

Oh My Gosh… I am in love with these sweet little succulents Kitty and I planted in antique wooden thread spools. They sit on my windowsill and look so utterly adorable. We found the antique wooden spools at a garage sale a few weeks ago – $2 for a bag of about 50! […]
Fairy Garden Contest :: 2013

It is with great excitement that I present the 5th Annual Fairy Garden Contest! Get out your tiny rakes and trowels… find some moss and magic… and make a Fairy Garden! Click this link to see the AWESOME prizes for the 2013 Fairy Garden Contest! CONTEST RULES: 1. Make a Fairy Garden. 2. Write a […]
Winners of the 2012 Fairy Garden Contest !
Here are the winners of the 2012 Fairy Garden Contest. I know I’m a little late with this announcement but can you imagine how difficult it has been for me to pick just a few? We’ve had a huge number of gardens enter this year… 121 Fairy Gardens entered on my blog Contest page and […]
Morning Glory Nests.

I have a wise old friend who warned me against planting Morning Glory. ‘But it’s so pretty!’ I argued… ‘And, it grows so wonderfully fast!’ I pleaded. I was wanting to plant a vine that would grow over our fence and make our yard look like a jungle of green. As is usually the case […]
Let’s make a Garden in a Shell.

I’m so excited… we’ve been wanting to make shell gardens for ages. If you are like us, you are longing for Spring to arrive. We’ve had a number of lovely sunny days here in Southern California but then a cold front has visited, the snow has fallen on the mountains and the freezing wind has […]
Make a Bean Teepee.
Time for a little honesty here… the truth is my kids struggle to eat vegetables. Let me tell you, we are a relatively health conscious family… I have offered sweet carrots, delicious corn and even frozen peas from the time my children were mere babies and yet, would you know, they often refuse to eat […]