A Fairy Garden in a Tea Cup :: A Miniature DIY Tutorial

Fairy Garden in a Teacup :: DIY Tutorial :: www.theMagicOnions.com

Calling all English, tea-loving fairies… we’ve made the most delightful fairy garden habitat for you… in my favorite teacup.  Please move in.     It all started when I broke the saucer to one of my favorite teacups. I wanted to cry. I’ve had this beautiful tea set for many many years. Each cup and […]

Indoor Succulent Terraruim Fairy Garden

photo of my delightful succulent fairy garden

The kids and I have been having fun in the garden. As is our summer tradition, we have been making Fairy Gardens!! When we were at the garden center, choosing plants for our Fairy Gardens, I couldn’t quite get passed the succulents! This often happens… the succulent section of the nursery is my particular vice. […]

Fairy Garden Feature : THIRTEEN

Fairy Garden in a bean teepee : www.theMagicOnions.com

Here’s another magical fairy garden entered into the Fairy Garden Contest. This garden was made by Kaya (6) and her brother Nesta (3)… and a little help from mom too. It’s built in the middle of a bean teepee!!! Isn’t that so cool? Can you imagine when the beans have grown all over the teepee […]

Fairy Garden Feature : TWELVE

Amazing Fairy Garden : www.theMagicOnions.com

The Cleary kids are hard at work on their fairy garden. Look at the tunnels and houses they have built. The buildings made of sticks and the bridges made of bark. There are crystals and gems and moss and flowers… all the perfect things to attract neighborhood fairies.     What a wonderful garden, Cleary’s […]

Fairy Garden Feature : ELEVEN

Magical Fairy Garden : The Magic Onions : www.theMagicOnions.com

Lexi’s fairy garden is magical. I love all the little details and I LOVE all the tell-tale signs that Lexi plays in her garden regularly. And, of course, when a child plays in her garden, so do fairies too! A  unicorn rainbow tire swing.   Fairy jump-rope.     A lucky leprechaun, painting.     […]

Fairy Garden Contest : ENTER now.

Fairy Garden Contest : The Magic Onions : www.theMagicOnions.com

Hi Fairy Garden Friends, It’s almost August!! Just a reminder that the Fairy Garden contest is drawing to a close.  Entries close on August 1st. However, if you are like me and don’t like deadlines very much, I will be allowing a few late entries if you write and ask at Donni(at)theMagicOnions(dot)com  . Just look […]

Super Simple Tomato Jam Recipe

Super Simple Tomato Jam Recipe : The Magic Onions : www.theMagicOnions.com

At the start of summer, we planted two cherry tomato plants. Wow… have they produced!! We have feasted for weeks on gorgeous tasting bursts of summer. The kids have picked them daily, popping tomatoes into their mouths while they are still warm from the sun. We have eaten caprese salads, tomato mayo sandwiches, tomato and […]

Fairy Garden Feature : FOUR

Fairy Garden : The Magic Onions : www.theMagicOnions.com

Look at this sweet Fairy Garden. Oh I love it SO much… with it’s pink little bucket and its colorful wood house. And, do you see the little fairy? Isn’t she wonderful in her crochet dress and acorn hat! But, what I love most is Sarah and her sweet Fairy Garden sign. This, THIS friends, […]

Our New Fairy Garden :: Fairy Gardens :: 2013

Kitty’s been playing in our new Fairy Garden… Do you want more Fairy Garden inspiration? Here are our important Fairy Garden links… Enter the Fairy Garden Contest here. Here’s a link to the Fair Garden Page for more Fairy Garden inspiration. Here’s a link to purchase the cutest Fairy Garden Kit ever. And, here’s my […]

Make a Fairy Garden.

How to Make a Fairy Garden Childhood magic is a precious gift. I believe that in today’s fast paced, success driven world, it is more important than ever to protect AND nurture the magic in our children’s lives. The excitement my Kitty feels when she discovers that fairies have left her a silvery message on […]