Handmade Gifts for Father’s Day

Photo of a dinosaur planter painted silver handmade gift

Father’s Day is in 3 weeks. Just enough time for you and the kids to make him something fun! Here are some wonderful ideas :     1. Super Cool Dino Planter 2. Rainbow Dream Catcher 3. Watercolor Photo Frame 4. Kid-Friendly Chocolate Cake 5. Felted Soap on a Rope 6. Lucky Key Dish   […]

6 Handmade Gifts for Dad

Here are some beautiful handmade gift ideas for Dad on Father’s Day… 1. Awesome Dino Planter 2. Colorful Dream Catcher 3. Rainbow Photo Frame 4. Yummy Chocolate Cake 5. Felted Soap on a Rope 6. Lucky Key Catcher Blessings and magic, Donni

Dinosaur Planter For Dad :: A Handmade Father’s Day Gift

With Father’s Day fast approaching, Teddy and I made our Good Man a cute Father’s Day Gift. It’s important to me that my children grow up knowing that the things they make with their own hands are the most precious things of all.We thought of many things our dad would love but it was when […]

Handmade Christmas Gifts :: Crazy Crayons

Broken Crayon Hearts : www.theMagicOnions.com

Teddy and Kitty will be giving handmade Crazy Crayon Christmas gifts to their friends this year. Not only do these make super cute gifts, they are a wonderful way to get rid of all of those broken crayons lying around. Although the kids don’t know this yet, Santa will be bringing them lovely new crayons […]

Handmade Chirstmas Gifts :: Painted Peg People

Pin It Kitty and Teddy are each getting a set of themselves for Christmas this year. It’s sweet (and funny) how they often play ‘brother and sister’ and now they can play ‘brother and sister’ with their new peg gnomes. I made them using the little peg people forms you can get at any craft […]