Make a Colorful Harvest Corn Necklace

Kitty and I saw Indian Corn in the grocery store the other day and we remembered when we made gorgeous corn necklaces a few years ago. I though I’d share the tutorial again … Tutorial : How to make an Indian Corn necklace. Blessings and magic, Donni
How To Make A Corn Cob Doll

Granny helped Teddy make Kitty a Corn Cob Doll. The boy is now a Little House On The Prairie convert… and Granny too! We started with some old corn cobs that we had cleaned and set out in the warm Fall sun to dry. Teddy then used a little saw to cut the cobs to […]
Let’s make a Harvest Garland.
Today, in honor of the season of harvest, we made a dried fruit garland to hang in our home. It was wonderful for the kids to work with the fruit but I must admit that as much got eaten as got strung, so be sure to double up when you make yours :-) To make […]
Let’s make Harvest Candle Holders.
Don’t forget to enter our wonderful GIVEAWAY from Meadowsweet Naturals. After yesterday’s horrible spider’s nest pumpkin, we decided to make something sweet and calming for today. We are enjoying the early darkness as, each night, at our evening meal, we light a candle as we sing our blessing. The kids take turns to blow it […]
Let’s make a Harvest Corn Necklace.

Mexican corn has always fascinated me… the colors are just amazing!!! Where I’m from, we only got the yellow kind… we called it mealies. The word, surprisingly comes from Portuguese… oh, what a melting pot South Africa is. One thing is sure, we really do LOVE our mealies for dinner! One of Kitty’s friends lost […]