Always Believe in Fairies

Do you believe in fairies? I do. To me, believing in fairies means more than just believing in little creatures with wings. It means believing in magic and miracles. It means opening your heart to the possibility that anything and everything is possible. It means perceiving that there is so much we don’t yet know […]

A Magical Encounter.

photo of my acorn and marble chandelier in my magical Fairy Garden

We had a magical weekend. I’ve shared all about our extraordinary encounter on my new website… please join me there today. Here’s a sneak peek…     For many more magical photos, please visit Be sure to check out the extensive fairy garden photo gallery, the ENCHANTING shop and the 2015 Fairy Garden […]

Hello February!

Hello February :

  I’m looking forward to this new month… so many treasures to unfurl and magic to discover. Breathe deep of the winter sunshine, sparkle like dew and know that there are enchantments all around.       I can’t wait to share wonder with you this month. Blessings and magic, Donni

Fairy Garden in a Hanging Basket Feature : FOURTEEN

Fairy Garden in a hanging Basket : The Magic Onions

Lily has made her fairy garden in a hanging basket… isn’t it just too delightful for words! Look at all the little details. The twig and moss house. The leaf blanket. The acorn cap hanging basket. The pine needle broom. Well done, Lily… your garden is magical… thank you for sharing it with us.   […]

Fairy Garden Feature : THIRTEEN

Fairy Garden in a bean teepee :

Here’s another magical fairy garden entered into the Fairy Garden Contest. This garden was made by Kaya (6) and her brother Nesta (3)… and a little help from mom too. It’s built in the middle of a bean teepee!!! Isn’t that so cool? Can you imagine when the beans have grown all over the teepee […]

Fairy Garden Feature : ELEVEN

Magical Fairy Garden : The Magic Onions :

Lexi’s fairy garden is magical. I love all the little details and I LOVE all the tell-tale signs that Lexi plays in her garden regularly. And, of course, when a child plays in her garden, so do fairies too! A  unicorn rainbow tire swing.   Fairy jump-rope.     A lucky leprechaun, painting.     […]

Fairy Garden Contest : ENTER now.

Fairy Garden Contest : The Magic Onions :

Hi Fairy Garden Friends, It’s almost August!! Just a reminder that the Fairy Garden contest is drawing to a close.  Entries close on August 1st. However, if you are like me and don’t like deadlines very much, I will be allowing a few late entries if you write and ask at Donni(at)theMagicOnions(dot)com  . Just look […]

Work in Progress : Toadstool Pots

felted toadstools :

I’ve been working of these sweet toadstool pot plants for the shop. I LOVE how they have turned out… whimsy and magic and cute, cute, cute…   Here are a few work-in-progress photos… You can find them in The Magic Onions Shop. What other colors should I make? Blessings and magic, Donni Sign up for […]

DIY Tutorial Wire and Felt Crown

We are officially in the Harry Potter stage of our lives. Kitty has read the first two books (alas, she has to wait a year to read the third). She is utterly entranced. And, of course, whatever Kitty finds awesome, Teddy finds awesome too. So, Harry Potter craze, here we come. This summer has been […]

The Cutest Fairy Garden EVER!

Magical Fairy Garden : The Magic Onions :

This is the winner of the 2014 Fairy Garden Contest. Isn’t it the most magical fairy garden ever!!!     Sandi made this garden for the neighborhood kids. Can you imagine finding it, stumbling upon it, unawares that such magic awaits? Can you imagine the feeling of wonder and enchantment it would bring. Sandi, THIS […]