A Fairy Garden in a Tea Cup :: A Miniature DIY Tutorial

Calling all English, tea-loving fairies… we’ve made the most delightful fairy garden habitat for you… in my favorite teacup. Please move in. It all started when I broke the saucer to one of my favorite teacups. I wanted to cry. I’ve had this beautiful tea set for many many years. Each cup and […]
Fairy Garden Contest :: 2016

Hooray! It’s April and the start of the Fairy Garden contest. This is the most exciting news we’ve heard all day, isn’t it. If you and your little ones are avid fairy gardeners like we are, there will be excitement for sure. If you don’t know about the contest, you are in for […]
Teddy’s Fairy Garden

As you know, it’s our summer tradition to make a fairy garden. Teddy spent hours this weekend making the most enchanting little garden for his fairies. I’ve shared all about it on my new Fairy Gardens website… lots and lots of magical photos … come and see! Also, did you know that the […]
Fairy Garden Feature : ELEVEN

Lexi’s fairy garden is magical. I love all the little details and I LOVE all the tell-tale signs that Lexi plays in her garden regularly. And, of course, when a child plays in her garden, so do fairies too! A unicorn rainbow tire swing. Fairy jump-rope. A lucky leprechaun, painting. […]
Fairy Garden Contest : ENTER now.

Hi Fairy Garden Friends, It’s almost August!! Just a reminder that the Fairy Garden contest is drawing to a close. Entries close on August 1st. However, if you are like me and don’t like deadlines very much, I will be allowing a few late entries if you write and ask at Donni(at)theMagicOnions(dot)com . Just look […]
The Cutest Fairy Garden EVER!

This is the winner of the 2014 Fairy Garden Contest. Isn’t it the most magical fairy garden ever!!! Sandi made this garden for the neighborhood kids. Can you imagine finding it, stumbling upon it, unawares that such magic awaits? Can you imagine the feeling of wonder and enchantment it would bring. Sandi, THIS […]
Fairy Garden Feature : THREE

It’s so exciting to see each new Fairy Garden entered into the Fairy Garden Contest. Here’s the latest. It’s GORGEOUS!!! Please sign up to receive delightful Fairy Garden tips and special features… BONUS : subscribers go into the monthly draw to win special gifts from The Magic Onions Shop. Email Address This AWESOME Fairy Garden […]
Fairy Garden Feature : TWO

Oh my… I’ve been in stitches reading all about our next Fairy Garden feature. Not only is the garden utterly wonderful but the story behind it is too charming for words! Meet Glimthink and Fimfizz Shortfuzz, gnome twins who live in SummerSadie’s gnome garden. You can see Fimfizz standing next to the magic toadstools and Glimthinkk […]
Fairy Garden Feature : ONE

Yay! We have our first Fairy Garden from the 2014 Fairy Garden Contest to feature today. Isn’t it utterly enchanting and totally magical?? I’m sure that seeing it will be SURE to get you in the garden and making your own little fairy wonderland!! More photos will follow but first, I neglected to add my […]
Tea Cup Fairy Garden : Tutorail

A few years ago, Kitty made the most delightful Fairy Garden. She made it in a tea cup! It sat as the centerpiece on our dining room table for months and was at the center of many dinnertime imaginings. Isn’t it the sweetest!! I have received so many emails over the years, asking […]