New Adventures : We’ve Moved To New Hampshire!

Nature Walk Photo, Keene, New Hampshire, on The Magic Onions Blog

I have BIG news to share (oh boy, am I excited to tell you) … our family has officially moved to the beautiful state of New Hampshire! I can’t tell you how much we are loving it here. It is green and lush and full of life and vitality. There are oak trees everywhere, and […]

The Glory of Nature

Mushrooms : Nature Photos --

I hope you enjoyed a meaningful Easter with your family and that  your heart is filled with gratitude for all you hold dear. The Easter bunny came to The Sunny house and gave us all delicious chocolate bunnies. Thank you. We spent Sunday with beautiful friends that fill our lives with love. Thank you. We […]

Treasures We Found in Nature

We spent Saturday at Medrona Marsh, in Torrance, CA. Such beautiful treasures to be found. But, first, a game of rugby in the parking lot.     And then, cacti to admire.     We discovered that if you caress them, gently, they won’t hurt you, not one little bit (his nails are now cut […]

Lovely Lichen and Fabulous Fungi

Gorgeous Mushrooms ::

I love the rain. I love the way the rain cleans the air and the trees and bushes so that everything looks bright and colorful. This how things should look. And, I love that rain brings mushrooms. This gift might be what I secretly love most about the rain. We don’t get rain very often […]

A Magical Mushroom Hunt.

We went on a mushroom hunt this weekend. We set out in the hopes of finding as many strange and wonderful mushrooms as possible and, boy, we were not disappointed! This was the first one we spotted. It was just like a fairies shade umbrella and we decided that it must be a local fairy […]