How to Dye Easter Eggs Naturally

It’s always so amazing to see the gorgeous colors that come from natural dyes. Each day of the week leading up to Easter, my kids get to choose what color egg to eat for breakfast. It’s become a super-fun family tradition! I must say, I’m happy knowing that no artificial dyes are going into […]
Natural Dyeing Using the Sun

Today, Emma Riley shares a tutorial on dying wool using natural dyes and the sun. It’s a super summer craft to enjoy with the kids… they’ll be amazed at the beautiful colors they can create using nature. Emma designs beautiful ceramic art. I discovered her work a few months ago and am literally smitten. I […]
Easy Easter Egg Dyeing
With the arrival of Spring last week, we celebrated with a little BBQ with friends on Sunday. Our hard boiled eggs needed a bit of dressing up to get in a festive mood. To color the shells blue, we used some blue food coloring. To make the white lines in the blue, we wrapped some […]
Dyeing Easter Eggs With Neck Tie Silk
We dye some eggs like this every Easter and it is always such an excitement to see how they are going to turn out. First, we visit a thrift store and stock up on a number of bright and colorful silk neck ties (they usually only cost us a dollar or two). They need […]
More Easter Egg Dyeing
Teddy had so much fun dyeing hard boiled eggs last weekend (you can read all about it and see the gorgeous colored eggs we dyed in this post) that he requested we do it again this weekend. Four-year-olds love to repeat things over and over again, don’t they… OK, I said, lets dye eggs for […]
Natural Dyes For Easer Eggs
I think Teddy and I have a new obsession (yes, to add to all the others!). We spent the weekend dyeing white eggs with natural dyes from goodies we already had in our fridge. My word, it’s amazing what colors you can get from things we eat… some colors we expected and others were a […]