Our Second Winter In New Hampshire

  It’s mid-winter here in New Hampshire and I can still say that we love New England winters. Phew… what a relief! When we moved here from California, our biggest worry was that we wouldn’t survive the snow and the cold, that we would freeze and not know how to drive in the snow and […]

Whimsy and Spice

Watercolor Commission by Kitty - www.theMagicOnions.com

We’ve had fun in the snow again this week… starting with a very competitive snowball fight in the forest… boys against parents. It all started when the parents wanted to go for a walk in the forest after the snowfall. Boys weren’t keen for a walk… until a snowball fight was suggested. I can’t tell […]

8 Steps to a Waldorf-Inspired Home

Over the years, so many of you have got in touch to ask for help in creating a Waldorf-inspired home. You have asked wonderfully thought-provoking questions that have made me think and ponder, deeply, what the most valuable and life-changing aspects of a Waldorf home are. I’ve promised many of  you that I would put […]

The Glory of Nature

Mushrooms : Nature Photos -- www.theMagicOnions.com

I hope you enjoyed a meaningful Easter with your family and that  your heart is filled with gratitude for all you hold dear. The Easter bunny came to The Sunny house and gave us all delicious chocolate bunnies. Thank you. We spent Sunday with beautiful friends that fill our lives with love. Thank you. We […]

Portland, Oregon :: Vacation Time :: Part Two

Photos of Portland Oregon :: www.theMagicOnions.com

Look at this hazelnut orchard outside of Portland, Oregon. Can you believe it? Isn’t it the most magical thing you’ve seen in a long time?! The hazelnut trees are covered in moss. Kitty and I sat on the leaves and stared in wonder.   The next day we came across this misty lake with old-mans-beard […]

A Fun Game to Play

Nature Walk :: The Magic Onions :: www.theMagicOnions.com

We played the funnest game on our nature walk the other day. Dad made it up but the kids say they’ve played it at school often. Apparently, it’s called camouflage. To play, make sure you are all dressed in natural colors. Tie up your dog so that he doesn’t go looking for ‘the fawn’ (and […]

Lovely Lichen and Fabulous Fungi

Gorgeous Mushrooms :: www.theMagicOnions.com

I love the rain. I love the way the rain cleans the air and the trees and bushes so that everything looks bright and colorful. This how things should look. And, I love that rain brings mushrooms. This gift might be what I secretly love most about the rain. We don’t get rain very often […]


Leaves :: The Magic Onoins :: www.theMagicOnions.com

Gorgeous leaves. A pallet of nature. Brown’s of every shade. Wet earth. This is winter in Southern California.     I’m so grateful for our mild winter where our days are crisp and clear and we wear jeans and a sweater and the occasional scarf. Tomorrow, though, we are going to spend the day in […]

Nature is an antidote to stress.

Nature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.com

The crazy holiday season has begun in earnest and life at The Sunny House is hectic as we try to juggle work and kids and family affairs. It’s a fun time of year with parties and celebrations… but it can be stressful too as rhythms change and out-of-the-ordinary events occur much more often than usual. […]

Nature Napkin Ring :: DIY Tutorial

DIY Nature Napkin Ring Tutorial : www.theMagicOnions.com

  The kids and I have made napkin rings for our Thanksgiving table.     Our Thanksgiving table will be nature-inspired and these twig and oak napkin rings will look wonderful.   Home Is Where The Heart Is Home is where the heart is So let this heart beat strong May everyone who enters here […]