New Adventures : We’ve Moved To New Hampshire!

I have BIG news to share (oh boy, am I excited to tell you) … our family has officially moved to the beautiful state of New Hampshire! I can’t tell you how much we are loving it here. It is green and lush and full of life and vitality. There are oak trees everywhere, and […]
The Glory of Nature

I hope you enjoyed a meaningful Easter with your family and that your heart is filled with gratitude for all you hold dear. The Easter bunny came to The Sunny house and gave us all delicious chocolate bunnies. Thank you. We spent Sunday with beautiful friends that fill our lives with love. Thank you. We […]
Portland, Oregon :: Vacation Time :: Part Two

Look at this hazelnut orchard outside of Portland, Oregon. Can you believe it? Isn’t it the most magical thing you’ve seen in a long time?! The hazelnut trees are covered in moss. Kitty and I sat on the leaves and stared in wonder. The next day we came across this misty lake with old-mans-beard […]
Vacation Time :: Portland, Oregon

As many of you know, we are longing to relocate our family from the hustle and bustle of our megatropolis city to a more rural, nature-infused lifestyle. This week past, we traveled to Portland, Oregon, to see if our spirits could connect with the city and surroundings. Boy, did they connect! They intertwined with beauty […]
Treasures We Found in Nature

We spent Saturday at Medrona Marsh, in Torrance, CA. Such beautiful treasures to be found. But, first, a game of rugby in the parking lot. And then, cacti to admire. We discovered that if you caress them, gently, they won’t hurt you, not one little bit (his nails are now cut […]
A Fun Game to Play

We played the funnest game on our nature walk the other day. Dad made it up but the kids say they’ve played it at school often. Apparently, it’s called camouflage. To play, make sure you are all dressed in natural colors. Tie up your dog so that he doesn’t go looking for ‘the fawn’ (and […]
Beauty After The Rain

At last. It has rained. Beautiful, soaking, cleaning rain. Thirst quenching rain, moss-making, lichen-loving rain. Everything is SO BEAUTIFUL after the rain. So, of course, we set out to see our favorite nature spot in her colorful glory : Treasures EVERYWHERE! Blessings and magic, Donni
Nature is an antidote to stress.

The crazy holiday season has begun in earnest and life at The Sunny House is hectic as we try to juggle work and kids and family affairs. It’s a fun time of year with parties and celebrations… but it can be stressful too as rhythms change and out-of-the-ordinary events occur much more often than usual. […]
A Balm to Soothe the Soul

The sun is shining, the grass is turning golden and wild flowers are blooming everywhere. Southern California is so beautiful as summer approaches. On our recent hike into the wilderness, we found treasures… a huge dandelion, a hummingbirds nest, grasshoppers everywhere and three beehives. We balanced rocks, sharpened mule-fat sticks into arrowheads with our pocket […]