Felted Garlands Galore

Rainbow Felted Wool Garland : www.theMagicOnions.com

I’ve been making felted garlands for the shop. They are gorgeous. Some are made with huge felted balls, some with large and small felted balls. Some in Christmas colors, some like the rainbow, some are like snowballs. Oh, the gorgeous texture of 100% felt! You can shop for these felted wool garlands here.   Christmas […]

Felted Owl Mobiles

Needle Felted Owl Mobiles

Look what I’ve been up to… I’ve been working on felted owl mobiles for The Magic Onions Shop? I love them! They are so cute. They bring their special brand of woodland magic to any kids room. Kitty has a yellow one in her room and it looks utterly adorable. Each owl sits on a […]

Make A Needle Felted Easter Egg :: Felting Tutorial

I have been hard at work needle felting Easter Eggs for Kitty and Teddy’s egg hunt on Easter Morning. It is our Easter tradition that the children each make an Easter nest out of grass and twigs on the day before Easter Sunday. It is into these nests that the Easter Bunny leaves them a […]

Easter at Fairyfolk

Hi Magic Friends, Did you know that Easter is early this year… March 31st… exactly 4 weeks from today! If you’re looking for special Easter goodies, look no further than my sweet shop, Fairyfolk :-) Here are a few of the gorgeous felted treasures you’ll find there : 1. Easter Bunnies in Felted Easter Eggs […]

Tutorial : Felted Pebbles

These felted pebbles are totally AWESOME! They have such a great texture and weight and look wonderful in a wooden bowl on a shelf or your dining room table. You can match the color of the wool you use to work with the other colors in you home. The best part is that they are […]

Discovering Waldorf – ‘Playscapes for Imaginative Play’

Please enjoy a Discovering Waldorf post from the archives… * * * I welcome Lori from Beneath The Rowan Tree to Discovering Waldorf today. Lori is an exceptionally talented needle-felter with a hugely successful Etsy shop. I adore her creations! Her topic for discussion is the needle felted playscape. Last Christmas, I said to K […]

Discovering Waldorf – ‘Playscapes for Imaginative Play’.

I welcome Lori from Beneath The Rowan Tree to Discovering Waldorf today. Lori is an exceptionally talented needle-felter with a hugely successful Etsy shop. I adore her creations! Her topic for discussion is the needle felted playscape. Last Christmas, I said to K that I would needle felt for her anything her heart desired for […]