How To Make Wet Felted Rocks :: Needle Felting Tutorial

On cold winter days like today, when (alas) it rains instead of snows, the best thing to do is to take out my (huge) bag of wool and get creative… it felt like a wet felted rock kind of day, especially since I collected a bunch of river pebbles on our hike yesterday. […]
Handmade Spring Fairies :: DIY Felt Tutorial

Spring has arrived to Southern California and we have been busy making felt spring fairies. They bring such sweet enchantment to The Sunny House. I have made them from wool felt in pretty pastel colors and I’m happy to share the DIY tutorial with you, below. Aren’t they the sweetest! Here is an […]
Needle Felted Valentine Fairy :: Tutorial

Meet Valentina. She a Valentine Fairy. Isn’t she sweet?! I know you’ll want to make a gnome just like her, so I am sharing a step-by-step tutorial with you. Here it is : Needle Felted Valentine Fairy Tutorial Look at her pretty pink hair and her sweet gnome hat… […]
Crafts for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is coming up, fast and furious. Here’s a compilation of some of the ‘Love Day’ crafts we’ve done in the past. I have to say that the ‘hoop art treasures‘ are my favorite. Both of my children LOVED them so much and both still have them on the wall in their rooms. I […]
Felting Kits Galore

Have you tried needle felting? It’s a wonderful craft, awesome because you can transform a handful of fluffy wool into a beautiful little something in 20 minutes or less. Of course, you can make your creations as intricate as you wish but if you are looking for simple and quick, needle felting can achieve this […]
Needle Felted Cactus Pot Tutorial

I’m so excited to share a new kit in the shop. Yes! YOU can make this MOST ADORABLE felted desert cactus plant in a terracotta pot (all by yourself) at home! Here are the goodies you’ll get in your kit… I’m excited to teach you EXACTLY how to make this felted cactus, from […]
Autumn in The Magic Onions Shop

Please pop on over the The Magic Onions Shop to find these fun autumn finds. Blessings and magic, Donni
Felted Succulent Delights

I’ve been having so much fun coming up with a line of felted succulent plants for The Magic Onions Shop. Don’t you just love succulents? Strange, because there was a time when I didn’t love them at all… I thought they were ugly and prickly and I far preferred roses. But, succulents must be an […]
Felted Pebbles for Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!! What better day to tell you about my earth-friendly products in The Magic Onions Shop? The Magic Onions Store is filled with beautiful, hand-crafted creations that are as much an honor to own as they were a joy to make. Everything I make for the shop is handmade from natural, eco […]
Felted Easter Eggs : Needle Felting Tutorail

I’ve been hard at work making magical felted Easter eggs for the Easter Bunny to put in my children’s baskets. I’m thankful that, while they do get chocolate eggs from the Easter Bunny, he also fills their baskets with lots of fun candy alternatives. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to make […]