Our Healthy Homemade Granola Recipe

As many of you know, my mom was recently diagnosed with cancer.  A million hours of research later and I can no longer ignore the devastating impact sugar is having on our health as a family and as a society. I’ll come right out and say that I am a life-long sugar junkie (as are […]

Upside-Down Peach Cake Recipe : Baking With Kids

Fresh Cake Recipe with photos of kids baking from The Magic Onions Blog

Teddy, the baker in the house, baked the most delicious UPSIDE-DOWN peach cake from one of my favorite recipes (which I’ll share with you below). Our peach tree is laden with peaches and so we are doing all kinds of fun baking with peaches. This cake was a HIT and is all gone now.   […]

Autumn Breakfast :: Overnight Spiced Fruit Porridge

Autumn Breakfast ~ Overnight Spiced Fruit Porridge

Leah from SkillIt is back to share a yummy Autumn breakfast with us. ** Autumn Breakfast ~ Overnight Spiced Fruit Porridge Autumn might be my favorite season of the year. There is something so wonderful about the crisp air, the changing leaves, and soaking up as much sun as possible as the days grow shorter […]

Bacon and Egg Pie Recipe.

photo of our organic bacon and egg recipe

  Truth be told, I’m going through a bit of a ‘blah’ stage with cooking. It seems utterly unending at this stage in the summer… breakfast runs into lunch that runs into dinner.  Tomorrow the same. And it’s sometimes quite exhausting to come up with healthy, wholesome meals that the whole family is excited about. […]

Mulberry Jam Recipe

photo of a jar of mulberry jam in my pantry

Our mulberry tree is laden with mulberries. Every day, we all eat our fill of sweet lovely berries : us, the birds, the bunnies and even Moose, the dog… and yet, we just can’t keep up. Our sweet tree just keeps on giving. What to do? Mulberry jam, of course… we make mulberry jam! And, […]

An Easy Cake Recipe for Kids

photo of a cake recipe for kids

Teddy is the baker in the family. He loves to cook and bake. We have a cake recipe that he can just about make all on his own. And, it’s delicious too! And, do you know the amazing thing? The mess he makes is so worth a slice of delicious cake!     Here is […]

Super Simple Tomato Jam Recipe

Super Simple Tomato Jam Recipe : The Magic Onions : www.theMagicOnions.com

At the start of summer, we planted two cherry tomato plants. Wow… have they produced!! We have feasted for weeks on gorgeous tasting bursts of summer. The kids have picked them daily, popping tomatoes into their mouths while they are still warm from the sun. We have eaten caprese salads, tomato mayo sandwiches, tomato and […]

Yorkshire Pudding Recipe.

Yorkshire Pudding Recipe : www.theMagicOnions.com

I have to admit… we are on a roast beef and Yorkshire pudding craze! We had it for Christmas Eve dinner, New Years Eve dinner AND my birthday dinner. You’d think we’d be tired of it by now but, NO, I could have it for dinner again tonight – I love it so! My mom […]

Chocolate Banana Bites :: A Summer Treat

Kitty and Teddy made the yummiest summer treats for us today :: chocolate banana bites. It was Teddy’s idea… ‘Let’s make chocolate marshmallows!’ he declared. It being summer and all, I agreed it was a special enough occasion to warrant a chocolaty treat (plus… I do LOVE chocolate marshmallows!). But alas, no marshmallows in the […]

Kid-friendly Chocolate Cake Recipe

a chocolate cake kids can make photo

Teddy is the baker in our home. He LOVES to bake. He has a stool that sits next to the kitchen island, ready for whenever he needs it. As most of you know, TV and Video Games are very seldom watched and played in the Sunny House… baking is a great alternative to both. Today, […]