Needle Felted Fall Door Wreath Tutorial

A few years ago, we made Granny a wreath for her door. It’s still one of my favorite wreaths of all time and Kitty and I think we’ll make one for our own door this year. Here’s our tutorial on how to make it. Materials : * wool roving in […]
Needle Felting Tutorial : Valentine’s Day Gnome : DIY

First off : Good news! The Tooth Fairy came in the night to collect Kitty’s molar. Phew… 5 nights late but better late than never, don’t you think? Now for the Needle Felted Gnome tutorial I promised you… isn’t she just the cutest? I’ve tried something a little different with this tutorial. As there […]
Needle Felted Christmas Ornaments : 7 Tutorials

I love working with wool felt… especially for Christmas crafting. It’s warm and cozy and makes the most delightful Christmas ornaments. Here is a collection of my favorite felted ornament tutorials : 1. Needle Felted Heart Tutorial. 2. Felt Ball Christmas Tree. 3. Felt Pine Cone Ornament. 4. Colorful Felt Christmas Tree. 5. Cashmere and […]
Needle Felting Tutorial :: Felted Hearts

Who want’s to make their loved ones needle felted hearts for Valentine’s Day? If you have never needle felted before, this tutorial is perfect for you. We use a cookie cutter to help shape the hearts and protect our fingers from the sharp needle. Seriously, its’ fun and easy and quick and the little hearts […]