Needle Felted Cactus Pot Tutorial

I’m so excited to share a new kit in the shop. Yes! YOU can make this MOST ADORABLE felted desert cactus plant in a terracotta pot (all by yourself) at home! Here are the goodies you’ll get in your kit… I’m excited to teach you EXACTLY how to make this felted cactus, from […]
Felted Succulent Delights

I’ve been having so much fun coming up with a line of felted succulent plants for The Magic Onions Shop. Don’t you just love succulents? Strange, because there was a time when I didn’t love them at all… I thought they were ugly and prickly and I far preferred roses. But, succulents must be an […]
Indoor Succulent Terraruim Fairy Garden

The kids and I have been having fun in the garden. As is our summer tradition, we have been making Fairy Gardens!! When we were at the garden center, choosing plants for our Fairy Gardens, I couldn’t quite get passed the succulents! This often happens… the succulent section of the nursery is my particular vice. […]