Succulents planted in Antique Wooden Thread Spools

Succulents planted in antique wooden thread spools : The Magic

Oh My Gosh… I am in love with these sweet little succulents Kitty and I planted in antique wooden thread spools. They sit on my windowsill and look so utterly adorable.     We found the antique wooden spools at a garage sale a few weeks ago – $2 for a bag of about 50! […]

Seasonal Crafting

Have you visited my ‘Seasonal Crafts’ tab in the navigation bar above? It’s a super resource for crafting by the season. Click on the heading to be taken to the year-by-season page. You can also visit a particular season by clicking on it in the drop down menu. Easy to find what you are looking […]

Giveaway – Summer Magic Craft Box!

Giveaway - Summer Magic Craft Box -

Running out of ideas for summer crafts for your little ones? Who is getting to that stage in their summer vacation where they need to find fun activities to occupy their children? Whose kids are saying ‘Mom, I’m bored!’ … Well, you are not alone and I can help! In celebration of the summer vacation, […]

Celebrating Summer :: Discovering Waldorf

Celebrate a Waldorf Summer -

Did you know that the official first day of summer is tomorrow? With this in mind, I’m excited to share this article written for The Magic Onions by the wonderful Maureen (aka Twig and Toadstool) a few years ago. Let’s Celebrate Summer!   If you wish to find out more about a Waldorf lifestyle, please […]

Discovering Waldorf :: Celebrating Summertime with Twig and Toadstool

Thank you Donni for inviting us back to be a part of your beautiful space here. This is Maureen…one half of  the blog Twig and Toadstool .  At Twig and Toadstool we try to encourage parents to be creative by offering loads of great, simple craft tutorials, and some random musings on our own experience […]