Hello There!

Follow The Magic Onions on Instagram

Hi, happy Friday everyone! I’ve had a lot of new followers joining recently and would like to introduce myself to all of you. I’m Donni, the mom behind this natural living and Waldorf website, The Magic Onions :: where the magic of nature and the wonder of childhood collide to make each moment a precious […]

Felted Succulent Delights

Felted Cactus Succulent from The Magic Onions Shop Photo www.theMagicOnions.com/shop

I’ve been having so much fun coming up with a line of felted succulent plants for The Magic Onions Shop. Don’t you just love succulents? Strange, because there was a time when I didn’t love them at all… I thought they were ugly and prickly and I far preferred roses. But, succulents must be an […]

Fairy Garden Feature : Eight

Magical Fairy Garden on The Magic Onions Fairy Garden Blog

Here is a sweet Fairy Garden made by Lisa. Isn’t it enchanting? I’m certain it will inspire you to make your own Fairy Garden. I love all the little details… the potting shed, the cat sleeping on the porch, Tinkerbell sitting on the bench. Fairy Gardens are so much fun!   If this Fairy Garden […]

The Cutest Fairy Garden EVER!

Magical Fairy Garden : The Magic Onions : www.theMagicOnions.com

This is the winner of the 2014 Fairy Garden Contest. Isn’t it the most magical fairy garden ever!!!     Sandi made this garden for the neighborhood kids. Can you imagine finding it, stumbling upon it, unawares that such magic awaits? Can you imagine the feeling of wonder and enchantment it would bring. Sandi, THIS […]

Nursery Inspiration : French Lavender and Robins Egg Blue

Nursery Inspiration : French Lavender and Robins Egg Blue

What could be more fun than decorating a nursery?! Oh, that sweet feeling of bringing a new bundle of joy into your family and home. The wonderful blank slate ahead of you and the knowledge that the world is full of endless possibilities. My baby days are done but I’m so lucky that my business […]

Fairy Garden Contest :: 2014 :: Enter Here!

Fairy Garden Contest : www.theMagicOnions.com

Important NOTE : The winners of the Fairy Garden Contest will be announced in September. I’m sorry for the delay but it’s taking a little longer than anticipated to pick just 4 winners from such enchanting entries. I’ll give you an update soon, I promise. Thanks for your patience. It is with GREAT excitement that […]

Fairy Garden Season!!!!

Fairy Gardens : The Magic Onions : www.theMagicOnions.com

Whooo hooo!!!   Today is the 1st of April and you know what that means? … It’s Fairy Garden Season!! On Wednesday, April 2nd 2014 (tomorrow), I’ll open the 6th Annual Fairy Garden Contest and the fun will begin. The contest will run from April 1st to August 1st. Today, please visit my Fairy Garden Page […]

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sale!

Sale : www.theMagicOnions.com/shop/

Big savings in the shop this weekend! Enjoy free shipping on orders over $50! The Magic Onions Shop Coupon : grateful Valid Friday 29th through Monday 2nd. Domestic Shipping only. Enjoy! Blessings and magic, Donni

Felted Garlands Galore

Rainbow Felted Wool Garland : www.theMagicOnions.com

I’ve been making felted garlands for the shop. They are gorgeous. Some are made with huge felted balls, some with large and small felted balls. Some in Christmas colors, some like the rainbow, some are like snowballs. Oh, the gorgeous texture of 100% felt! You can shop for these felted wool garlands here.   Christmas […]

What are Waldorf Toys? :: Discovering Waldorf

Needle Felted Owl - Waldorf Toy - www.theMagicOnions.com

Wondering what exactly Waldorf toys are? Here is a super article from Sarah Baldwin of Bella Luna Toys that explains it – “Beyond simply being natural toys, what exactly makes a toy a “Waldorf toy?” What are Waldorf Toys? You can find this needle felted owl HERE. For more information on Waldorf Education, please visit […]