The Benefits Of A Daily Rhythm And How It Can Help Your Family Thrive

A Waldorf family rhythm is the daily, weekly and yearly recurring activities that we do together, as a family, with intention.
Silk Toadstool Christmas Ornament DIY Tutorial
Oh my… we’ve been making these most adorable silk toadstools for our Christmas tree. Each one takes a few minutes to make and, at this rate, our tree will be laden with toadstools! I found the silk fabric in wonderfully natural colors at Joannes Fabrics. It was on sale too! The foam balls are from […]
Waldorf Everyday

I’ve started an Instagram tribe for us called @Waldorf.Everyday and I hope you’ll join in. It’s a collective window into our everyday Waldorf and simple-living Instagram posts so that we have a place that connects us and brings us all together. To have your Instagram posts featured, simply tag them with #waldorfeveryday . Each day, […]
New Fairy Garden Kits

I’ve had the most wonderfully creative weekend designing new DIY fairy garden kits for the shop. It’s my most favorite work activity of all – designing new enchantments. I get to play with flower fairies and magical miniature things all day long. And my camera, of course, which I love. The kids join in from […]
Favorite Waldorf Morning Circle Verses for Kindergarten

The beauty of Waldorf education is that it meets the child where he is developmentally. The synergy of Waldorf teaching methods and child development is discussed wonderfully in an article by Dr Reggie Melrose called ‘Waldorf from a Neuroscientific Perspective‘. The Morning circle is a great example of how Waldorf meets the young child where […]
Nature Mobile :: DIY Earth Day Celebrations :: Waldorf Activities

Earth Day, April 22nd, is an BIG day in the Sunny House. We celebrate it as if it is Mother Earth’s Birthday. Raising environmentally aware children has been an important part of our parenting and My Good Man and I are proud that our children are truly and authentically earth-conscious. They refuse, reuse and recycle […]
A Perpetual Waldorf Calendar :: Discovering Waldorf Education

We have the most beautiful perpetual circular Waldorf calendar hanging on our wall. It’s drawn by Phoebe Wahl and depicts a delightful gnome family going about their seasonal days. My children consult it often. They turn the season dial at the start of each season (March on top now on top). They write in important […]
The Nine Year Change :: Discovering Waldorf Education

As my littlest approaches nine, wonderful and great changes are starting to show. He is moving out of dreamy early childhood and into a more conscious state, where he is starting to recognize that he is different from the people and things around him. He is becoming aware of himself as an individual, separate from […]
Discovering Waldorf Education :: Creating a Waldorf Inspired Home

I have exciting news today… I’m happy to announce that I am bringing back the Discovering Waldorf Education series. So many of you have requested its return as it gave us all such a beautiful, every-day, insight into the Waldorf way. The Discovering Waldorf series is a compilation of articles about the Waldorf way of […]
A Waldorf Harvest Faire

Last weekend we attended our school’s annual Harvest Faire. As is usual with all Maple Village Waldorf School celebrations, it was an enchanting event. To be honest, I enjoyed it even more this year as it was the first year in a looooong time that I wasn’t the organizer. I could wander and browse […]