Needle Felting Tutorial : Valentine’s Day Gnome : DIY

First off : Good news! The Tooth Fairy came in the night to collect Kitty’s molar. Phew… 5 nights late but better late than never, don’t you think? Now for the Needle Felted Gnome tutorial I promised you… isn’t she just the cutest? I’ve tried something a little different with this tutorial. As there […]
Let’s Make a Colorful Heart Garland

Kitty was determined to bring happy color into the Sunny House today. She made such a beautiful paper heart garland using one of her previously painted watercolor paintings, yarn and a heart punch. I love watching her come up with her own designs. For years, it was me who directed our crafting… now […]
Potato Printed Gift Wrap

Making potato printed gift wrap can be such fun for the kids. They get so excited to see their artwork under the tree. It’s super easy too… You’ll need : potatoes sharp paring knife paint white or craft construction paper 1. Cut your potato in half and carefully carve the shape of your stamp […]
Let’s Make an Autumn Leaf Acorn Fairy with Fall Leaves

We had another glorious weekend camping. Each trip yields new adventures, new discoveries and new creations; like the wonderful Leaf Fairy Teddy and I made. I’m a collector. I can’t seem to go on a walk without bringing back some sort of treasure I’ve come across along the way. My children are the same. We […]
An Easy Yarn Chic for Easter

Teddy complained that he was bored. Do you want to make something, I asked. Yes, he replied. What, I asked. A chick, he decided. So, out came my yellow yarn. I had been saving it for a particular knitting project but, oh well… … better to have a happy boy than an unused skein […]
Make A Needle Felted Easter Egg :: Felting Tutorial

I have been hard at work needle felting Easter Eggs for Kitty and Teddy’s egg hunt on Easter Morning. It is our Easter tradition that the children each make an Easter nest out of grass and twigs on the day before Easter Sunday. It is into these nests that the Easter Bunny leaves them a […]
Leaf Rubbing on Watercolor Paper

When I told my friend that we were getting ready to do some leaf rubbings, she shared a little secret with me… leaf rubbings look even more gorgeous if you do them on paper that has been painted with watercolors first. This sounded so lovely to us that we just had to give it a […]
Make Autumn Gnomes

Please meet the Autumn Gnomes… aren’t they sweet little fellows? For those of you who want to make some too, here is a tutorial on how to make these sweet little Autumn Gnomes from peg people, felt and a couple of wee felted acorns. Kitty was my helper. She chose three gorgeous Autumn colors from […]