Natural Art Supplies :: Discovering Waldorf

Waldorf Craft Supplies

Wonderful Joey is back to discuss the beauty of crafting with natural craft supplies. Discovering Waldorf:  The beauty of natural art supplies by:  Joey van Oort I have to say the best part of “discovering Waldorf” for me was making the switch to natural art supplies.  I have loved art supplies since I was a […]

Giveaway – Summer Magic Craft Box!

Giveaway - Summer Magic Craft Box -

Running out of ideas for summer crafts for your little ones? Who is getting to that stage in their summer vacation where they need to find fun activities to occupy their children? Whose kids are saying ‘Mom, I’m bored!’ … Well, you are not alone and I can help! In celebration of the summer vacation, […]

Celebrating Summer :: Discovering Waldorf

Celebrate a Waldorf Summer -

Did you know that the official first day of summer is tomorrow? With this in mind, I’m excited to share this article written for The Magic Onions by the wonderful Maureen (aka Twig and Toadstool) a few years ago. Let’s Celebrate Summer!   If you wish to find out more about a Waldorf lifestyle, please […]

Summer Magic Craft Boxes Available Now.

Are  you super excited for the Summer holidays? Are you going away with your children? Are you visiting the beach? Are you planning on doing some fun Summer crafts with your kidos? We all know that it can be a tall order to gather up eco-friendly craft supplies and think up new craft idea to […]

Spring Magic Craft Boxes on their Way!

Spring Magic Craft Box - The Magic

Hi, Happy Friends… I have some exciting news for you. The first of our Spring Magic Craft Boxes are on their way to lucky children all over the world! THEY ARE ENCHANTING! I’m quite certain you’ll find that Spring’s Magic Craft Box is just as delightful as Winter’s was. It is filled to the brim […]

Felted Geode Tutorial :: Felting Fun for Kids

Needle Felted Goede Tutorial :

Making a felted geode is a fun and easy beginner felting project for children. We love wet felting in our home, especially on a winters day when we are stuck inside. We put a towel on the floor and set a bowl of warm soapy water on the towel, roll up our selves and enjoy […]

Giveaway :: Magic Craft Box – $60 Value.

Magic Craft Box :

Magic friends, here’s the big news… in the spirit of sharing the light, I’m giving away a Winter Magic Craft Box to one lucky family. I thank you all for getting the word out there that this is a magical crafting experience just waiting to be enjoyed! What a lovely Christmas gift for a creative […]