Make a Beeswax Luminary

Happy Valentine’s Day my beautiful friends! I hope your day if filled with love and happiness and special kisses. This morning, Kitty and Teddy went off to school, each with a basket of valentines for their classmates. Kitty had made little heart shaped mice for each of her friends. Teddy… his Valentine’s will be receiving […]
Wax Dripped Pumpkins for Halloween

Oooo, this kids LOVED this Halloween craft… what could be better than fire, melted wax and mini pumpkins! We needed : recycled crayons a long tapered candle mini pumpkins We took the ‘skins’ off our crayons, being careful not to break them as we needed them to be long for safety. We […]
Let’s make wax-dipped Pine Cone Ornaments.
As you may know, we wish to someday have a Christmas tree that is entire decorated with handmade ornaments… some collected, some made by us, some found at thrift stores or yard sales. We know that it will take many years to collect and make such treasures but we are delighted that we have started […]
Making Waxed Easter Eggs.
I love the lead up to Easter… there are so many sweet crafts that Easter inspires… nests, birds, bunnies, eggs… today, we decorated eggshells. We painted the eggshells we blew out the other day. If you haven’t done it before, here is a tutorial on how to clean out an egg shell. As we love […]