Needle Felted Fall Door Wreath Tutorial

A few years ago, we made Granny a wreath for her door. It’s still one of my favorite wreaths of all time and Kitty and I think we’ll make one for our own door this year. Here’s our tutorial on how to make it. Materials : * wool roving in […]
Let’s make Woolly Pussy Willow Buds.

After a few false starts it seems like Spring is finally here to stay… for a while at least. Yay! The birds are singing, the bulbs are popping and the crisp sunny air is utterly wonderful. Don’t tell the other but, at this moment, Spring, you are my favorite season.I know I’m not alone in […]
Interview with an Etsy Mom – Skipping Stones.
Patti, from Skipping Stones, has been a Magic Onions sponsor for over a year and I’m sure most of you have popped over to her shop button (situated in the right column of my blog on every page) and entered her gorgeous shop. For those of you who haven’t yet, you are in for a […]
How to make a Wet Felted Soap-On-A-Rope.
Both my kids love the bath. They play in and with the water for ages. I love it because it is one place these days where they play happily together (yes, we have entered the stage of fighting) One of the things that I find really sweet with their bath is that they wash each […]
How to make colorful, wet felted stones.
We made some gorgeously colorful wet felted stones yesterday. It was an activity that both my children (5 and 2) could do together. They both have played for ages with their stones and I delight in watching them focus their imaginations on something their own hands created. We needed some clean stones, colorful wool roving […]